Fantasy Books -Terry Pratchett

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I read a couple of the Thomas Covenent titles and struggled to get in to them as well. I did try but couldn't get on with it.

To be fair I read then several time
On the last time I read them I was wondering what was making be so depressed - and I mean that properly not just unhappy

and I realised that I had been that way every time I read them
I bong read the whole series in one weekend to finish it so it was done and finished
then got rid of the books

as before - as soon as I stopped reading them I perked up - it was the books that was affecting be - quite badly as well

I have to say that it takes true art ot make something like a book or picture have such an effect on someone's mood

but next time I want to feel miserable I will look on YouTube for a Smith's song
well - I say song - dirge???
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