Ok. I've got 4k worth of bikes in my conservatory. I know enough about horses to know that while I may be able to buy a nag for that, the stabling costs will cripple me

nice idea though, I like horses
What size are you / your bikes?
I'm not sure how well I'll be able to express this, but exercise puts us under a degree of stress that in some ways our body doesn't want to go through, and your brain/ body will collude to come up with different ways to try and opt out. What you need to do is build riding into your life so that it becomes as natural as breathing, or going to the toilet, not something where you have to make a conscious decision.
I'm 2 years into my cycling/ fitness thing and still love it, but my only previous attempt at exercise was going to the gym. I kept it up for just over a year 2 to 3 times a week. I had a routine, go home, pick up my already packed gym bag, head for the gym, then home for tea. No thinking involved, just plan my evenings in advance and do it. I always enjoyed it when I was there. Where it ran adrift was after a break. If I'd been on holiday getting there was incredibly difficult for the first 2 to 3 times.Eventually I had a break and just didn't go back.
I only had 2 miles to go to work, bought a bike and began to use it regularly in October 2010, but only gave up my car and started commuting at the end of February 2011. I'm sure one of the reasons it took so long was the finality of it. I wanted to leave myself that escape route, that backdoor to wriggle out if I had to. What we need to do is shut down those escape routes.
I spent a miserable year or so as a financial adviser, and hated selling. It certainly wasn't for me. My boss used to say. 'Imagine you are walking backwards down a corridor with the customer following you. You want to get him/her to the other end, which is the sale. All along the corridor there are these side doors where the customer can escape. What you need to do is flick them closed as you reach them, before the customer gets to them.'
Although I didn't like that analogy at the time I see some parallels with riding. I will get out of bed and go out on my bike, not doing it can't be an option or not doing it will be easier next time, until eventually I just won't bother. So I need to minimise my escape routes.