Falling out of love

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Thanks for all the replies. Maybe it is time to change things around a bit. The hardtail is actually kitted out for commuting at the mo (although not used for commuting for about 8 years!) and it would slow me down (or take going quickly out of the realms of possibility!)

I did recently take up swimming again but quickly got jaded of it as I've never found out how far I can swim. I got up to 150 lengths of the local pool and then got bored. Shame I don't live near the sea, I think sea swimming would be more fun. Although maybe not for another 6 months or so :cold:

I got into open water swimming this year while I was off the bike with an injury. It's really good meditative exercise, undisturbed by other swimmers or walls. Wet suits open up year round swimming, if you want to pursue that, although most OW venues shut down for the winter.

If on the other hand you just feeling a bit disenchanted with road riding, how about strolling along to a Sunday local cyclocross race. No need for a licence, MTBs allowed, entry on the line. Something different to get the juices flowing again.


Silencing his legs regularly
Much of value in the above posts, but my take, FWIW....
If you don't have something you need/want to prepare for (and you're not really in that phase for LEL yet), then there's no point doing the miles if you're not enjoying it. Bailing out of Whitstable did surprise me, but it was the sensible thing to do on that night.

My mileage this year is going to be considerably lower than last year- some months it's been the same or higher, but overall, it's down. Why? Simple: 2010, I was preparing for Pedal to Paris. My mileage and stamina was probably up to the job anyway, but I didn't take that for granted. Last year: the travesty- I knew I had to ramp up the distances and I did. And afterwards, the rage from that experience got channelled into more miles. This year: er, nope. So I didn't set any mileage targets. If it's blowing a gale/raining cats and dogs/I just don't feel like it, I don't ride (apart from the commute, obviously). Part of me feels like I'm being lazy- which in a sense I am- part of me can't give a toss! And when I want to get the miles in..I do as I have done for the past couple of years, as hard as I want to, if I take the odd 'detour', it's only extra miles, which is good. I'm not interested in off-road (I crash enough as it is), as slow as I am I have no desire to pootle. But that's me. It might be what you need....

Your mojo will return, of that I'm sure....


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Cycling isn't compulsory as far as I know. If you lack motivation, I would take a complete break, otherwise you might keep asking yourself "Am I enjoying it yet?" every time you get on the bike. That's no fun.
Actually, I may have stolen your mojo. I was forbidden to ride for two months, ending last Friday. I was crawling the walls and it feels simply wonderful to be back on two wheels. I have no doubt that you will feel the same again too.:thumbsup:


Cycling Excusiast
If you can't get out the the sea- try swimming the Serpentine - a club and some friends of mine do it and love it.


Dog on a bike
2103446 said:
The real key word here is moderation. Box of Magnums, two week bender, must be at least 100 miles. Less is more.
You may actually have a point. I may go for a pootle on Saturday, one of these weird rides I never seem to do on my own but that I hear about where you stop for coffee a few times.


I'm not in the same league as the OP (distance or freqency wise), but I feel the need for a complete break every so often. Two or three weeks off the bike and I get back on it with a renewed enthusiasm. It sounds ridiculous, especially given the low mileage I do anyway, but it does feel as if my body is telling me to have a break sometimes.


Martin, in my experience you are suffering from a common male affliction, which is periodically losing interest in hobbies, sports etc that you have been massively interested in. I don't have an answer other than to tell you not to worry about it. I used to be an obsessive runner, then due to injury I stopped and never really started again. Last week, for the first time in 3 years I went for a run and realised how much I missed it. I have had similar phases with other interests in my life such as performing magic, diy, orienteering, work, etc. Forcing yourself to like something is unlikely to help matters. I think this may be nature's way of balancing things.


You may actually have a point. I may go for a pootle on Saturday, one of these weird rides I never seem to do on my own but that I hear about where you stop for coffee a few times.

Do you have a partner?

Cycling with the other half (with my daughter in tow), for me, is a very different experience than my usual cycle rides. Everything slows down, we usually take a picnic, stop for coffees etc, listen to my daughter singing. Great fun. :thumbsup:


Minkowski Space
Martin, it sounds like you've become a bit jaded: why not take a break off the bike? Do something completely different at the weekend, after all you don't need to be chalking up a century every week! My guess is that you'll find that after a few weeks you're enthusiasm has been restored.

Do something a bit different: you won't regret it.


Nr Cambridge
You feel like you do because the dark season is nearly here. I feel like you too, but you just have to keep calm and carry on. Don't over do it. Beetroot and brazil nuts can be very helpful.
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