Failed Disc

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Fugly? Not to my eyes. Tbh, bikes without disc brakes look pretty weird, imo.

It's not only me, then. I think disc brakes make a bike look much better.


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Toeing-in is a weird ritual that's completely unnecessary.

I cannot remember what blocks I had on my old Weinmanns of yesteryear and can't remember if I did or didn't toe them in, tbh.

But, more recently, I certainly do remember having to toe-in Ashima & SwissStop blocks to kill off some dreadful howling.


self serving virtue signaller
But, more recently, I certainly do remember having to toe-in Ashima & Swissstop blocks to kill off some dreadful howling

I've never had an issue with rim brakes howling, and I've never ridden with anyone who did either.

Disc brakes howling seems commonplace, however, and generally highly intractable.

As I wrote above, the absolute insistence that one type of brake is "better" regardless of the rather obvious pros and cons of them is remarkable.


Kilometre nibbler
Having commented on the number of hair raising and complicated disc brake stories on CC, and the absence of similar rim brake stories, I have just realised that I was the source of a complicated rim brake saga a while back. It would be remiss of me to mention this fact.

(I fitted some calipers with reach that was fractionally too short. They were fine with new blocks, but as the blocks wore the angle changed and the block started to make contact with the tyre wall, resulting in a blowout.)


Legendary Member
Despite many thousands of miles on many bikes over many years, I've only ever had one rim wear though. :whistle:
How many miles? How many bikes? I've worn out a rear rim in 21,400 miles, and a front in 28,800, but if those mileages were shared between a lot of different bikes I wouldn't have seen any of the rims wear out.

first bit of the puzzle solved, it is 180 front, 160 rear
he had picked up a new 160 and you can see from the fit, its a bit short - been out on it and says its working fine, but will get a 180 sometime next week :eek: even I wouldn't ride that, it could do something unexpected and suddenly lock up

How long do discs typically last ? the one that failed was new last may (9 months) and was down to 1.1 - 1.3 thickness when it collapsed
he will do a big mileage (never counts so no idea mileage) and i'm sure he will race everyone on the commute, he's super fit super powerful, so probably a lot of hard braking, and i doubt there will be much in the way of maintenance or cleaning
apparently the pads were good, i wondered if they had been down to the rivets (i doubt they use rivets but i like than phrase)

View attachment 763179
I'm sure that shiny section shows its been out and tested
You'll lose braking when those pads are worn enough to touch each other.

I do not miss the days of trying to toe-in & ensuring full block to rim contact of chunks of rubber.
The quick and easy way is to hold the pads in the correct position on the rim whilst you clamp them in the cantilever, then slacken off the cable adjuster for rim clearance afterwards. I set toe-in using shims taped to the rim.

Indeed. I never understood it, given that as soon as your blocks are worn a tad, they're no longer toed in!
Once mine are set, the squeal's usually silenced long enough to last until the next service. A better solution than putting oil on them, like one woman told me to do.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Done that, which is how I can see discs look great.

Isn't it about time you had them cataracts seen to? :rolleyes:

You got the rose tinted specs then ! LOL


South Wales
You got the rose tinted specs then ! LOL

You mean he has a different perception of the entirely subjective concept of what looks better than you do :smile:

Personally, I wouldn't particularly say they look better but bikes without to look a bit odd to me nowadays.

And I have never understood what it is that makes many people think they look ugly. But it is often difficult to understand somebody else's perception of what looks good or ugly.


Über Member
can't say I have any opinion of what my own bike looks like, don't think I have ever looked at another bike and thought I wish mine looked like that. Its a push bike! I'm like that with cars too, have never really quite got what all the fuss is about.

Would quite like the stopping power of discs, but I get bye just fine with rims

Is it working good enough to ride is my only care when it comes to my bike - always something wrong with it
I loved bikes as much as I loved cycling, and how pretty I thought a bike looked was important to me. Seeing a good looking bike hanging in the garage used to inspire me to get out and ride it. Looking at some ugly matt black heap would have had the opposite effect. I was like that with motorcycles too.

We're all different, I guess.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
The disc in the first post definitely doesn't look better than rim brakes...

Unless you want to craft a shuriken?

Oh I don’t know

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