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Somerset UK
Lol, I just had an image of Gb155 with glasses super glued to his face :smile:

Makes me think ....

A big problem area is wearing glasses on a bike in hot weather.

You take off your helmet because the heat is about to make you pass out
There's sweat pouring out of your head, but now nothing to hold the glasses on.
Sweat is a good glasses arm lubricant and more comes out

So they start slipping and you push them back on
Of course the elastic thing for holding them on is still in the cupboard at home
They slip some more

The answer has to be to use sperglue behind the ears and make them permanent
Or better still just take the arms off and superglue bridge to nose!

More seriously slowmotion, do you know if those sealants are likely to react chemically with the shatterproof lenses or the plastic lenses of sports/ cycle glasses? If not I may have a go at this once my mother has gone home next week.


Fan Boy No More.
Did 18 miles with the paper clip fix today

Felt great- amazing not to have wind in my eyes, good vision and a great tint

Now for a more permanent fix


Fan Boy No More.
Fix no 2

White tac


Vision / weight / feel are all good


Can I get some strong adhesive tape to go over the tac ??


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Makes me think ....

More seriously slowmotion, do you know if those sealants are likely to react chemically with the shatterproof lenses or the plastic lenses of sports/ cycle glasses? If not I may have a go at this once my mother has gone home next week.

My guess is that the polycarbonate lenses will be fine. They use Dow Corning 781 to seal plastic glazing into buildings all the time, and that is polycarbonate as well. Silicone mastics often use acetyl agents to cure them when exposed to moisture in the atmosphere. That stuff might react with the anti-fog coatings, but only a peer-reviewed earnest paper would be believed. I would hate to be branded a "781 denier" :whistle:


New Member
The big chain of opticians in town is an oakley stockists (vision express) and they offer the purpose prescription lenses for them IIRC.

Pricey but you don't need the bodge.


Senior Member
I tried optical inserts first - didn't like that they almost touched my eyeballs. Next I popped out some old lenses and put the glue gun to them. The glue went hard and the lenses dropped out. Now I use blue tack a thin line above and below the lens. Allows the option to break it down for a thorough clean as dust invariably gets inbetween... I've considered silicone but it'd be too hard to reverse. You've gone a bit mental with the white tac! Surely that affects the view out?


Fan Boy No More.
I tried optical inserts first - didn't like that they almost touched my eyeballs. Next I popped out some old lenses and put the glue gun to them. The glue went hard and the lenses dropped out. Now I use blue tack a thin line above and below the lens. Allows the option to break it down for a thorough clean as dust invariably gets inbetween... I've considered silicone but it'd be too hard to reverse. You've gone a bit mental with the white tac! Surely that affects the view out?

I've gone mental for safety tbh

Once I'm wearing them I can't see any of the tac at all :smile:

The frame wraps around so you look through the lenses only , I genuinely can't even notice the tac at all


Fan Boy No More.
10 miles with the "tac fix"

Much better - lighter - comfortable than with the old frame attached

Will remove some tac and hold the rest down with adhesive tape

Zoiders with my very very high RX I can't get a direct glase for wrap around - be it Oakley - rudy etc etc etc .... So a bodge is really the only option I have
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