Etape Caledonia Sabotaged

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Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Steve Austin said:
I know i'm a cyclist and a fan of most sport, but i would be pleased as punch for any event to go past my house. who cares if the roads are closed for a day, there is more to life.
Folk really need to put this into perspective, I mean how many days do you spend a whole day in your house without going anywhere? If the perps could just take a step back and realise this is a great event and worth a lot more to others than their petty minded attitudes.

This seems to be the case with the L2B where many roads are closed for a large part of the day. And many many households really enter the spirit of the day, from early-on they're out (sometimes in their Jim-Jams) on chairs in therir front garden eating brekkie. Kids set-up water and squash stalls, some arm themselves with water pistols. Families picnic by the road-side on many of the country road sections and watch the world go by. As long as you have advanced warning, what's the problem? In Abingdon they close the whole of the town centre for the fair twice a year, Many residents have very restricted car access to their property and they seem to cope fairly well. Neither at the L2B or the Fair do I hear of people manning the barricades to stop the event.
Those that wish to halt joyous events like the E.C. are nothing more than small-minded curmudgeons.


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
A while ago I rode the route that a TdF stage was to take a fortnight or so later. At the start of the road over Puy Mary the snow signs said it was shut. Since there was no snow anywhere else and my alternative was very long way round, I ignored the signs and carried on.

Nearing the pass an ever-increasing number of heavy lorries thundered by, carrying tarmac and when I finally reached the foot of Puy Mary I realised they were resurfacing the road all the way up to the summit. At the scene of operations it was like hell, the heat from tar, the demonic activity of those doing the work and the noise..

Fortunately I was able to get through, just but I have never seen roadworks being done at such a pace, almost entirely for a stage of the TdF. I reckon that road must have been shut for nearly 3 weeks.


New Member
Fife borders
Mr Celine said:
The Jim Clark Rally was held on public roads around Duns last weekend.

Were roads closed to motor vehicles?
No. They were closed to all vehicles and pedestrians.

Did the closures last for 3 hours?
No. They lasted for up to 5 hours.

Were the roads just closed on Sunday?
No. They were closed on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Was it free for the public to watch this event?
Only if you live alongside the route.

Was anyone inconvenienced?
More people than were allegedly trapped in their homes in Perthshire.

Did anyone moan about it?
No. They either watch it, take part in it or just put up with it. Those inconvenienced know that this disruption is only once a year and helps to keep others in their community in business.

In my area we have T in the Park, also rural Perth and Kinross-shire (no such place as Perthshire I'll have you know)

Road are closed Thursday night and do not reopen until Monday, those that are not closed are full of traffic meaning I can not really leave the house for 5 days. I don't get to see/hear any of it.

I cope by booking those days off work, getting in a stash of alcohol/snacks/dvd and spend it as a holiday with absolutely no way of doing diy or being descended on by relatives.

It's great


Ranger said:
In my area we have T in the Park, also rural Perth and Kinross-shire (no such place as Perthshire I'll have you know)

Road are closed Thursday night and do not reopen until Monday, those that are not closed are full of traffic meaning I can not really leave the house for 5 days. I don't get to see/hear any of it.

I cope by booking those days off work, getting in a stash of alcohol/snacks/dvd and spend it as a holiday with absolutely no way of doing diy or being descended on by relatives.

It's great

I don't even get free tickets now that the Golf Ball has closed !

I think it's a fantastic event, more than happy to see the thousands of festival goers having a good time.

(For Tayside, read Kinross)


back and brave
asterix said:
I have never seen roadworks being done at such a pace, almost entirely for a stage of the TdF. I reckon that road must have been shut for nearly 3 weeks.

Same around here last year. Aigurande (the start of a stage) town centre was the scene of road works for weeks! They ripped up the old road (and it was in good nick already, far better than a lot of the other roads around here!) and laid a velvet like bitumen replacement. It's heaven to ride on btw!

But cycling is the national sport in France and the attitudes couldn't be more different. In the sportive I road in last Saturday, marshals closed roads and junctions - they don't ask the locals, they just do it! It's bad luck if it inconveniences someone! I personally have only heard 2 complaints about it - both from ex-pat Brits!


Crackle said:
I did wonder how many ACRE members were from the area and how many were incomers.

I have only heard one ACRE member interviewed and he did not sound 'native', I could not place his accent but it was distinctly English rather than Scottish. Which is quite strange, given the anti-London anti-incomer tone of some of their publicity....:laugh:

I'm sure there are loads of other 'incomers' very supportive of the event :biggrin:


New Member
Just back from a tour of the West (midge) Coast and visited my folks in Pitlochry on the way back (I grew up there and I'm a cyclist so I'm a little biased). The local rumour/gossip is that Mr Grosset is going to plead Not Guilty.
Presumably on the grounds that he didn't do it, it can't be proved or he was somehow mentally incapable or not of sound mind at the time.
This is going to be interesting.
I still plan to take a civil action against this man for the cost of 2 new inners, a packet of glueless patches and a new Michelin Krylion.
Still have to work out how, so if anyone knows, do share.


Alves said:
I still plan to take a civil action against this man for the cost of 2 new inners, a packet of glueless patches and a new Michelin Krylion.

Alves, no help re civil action but PC Plod was enquiring if any riders could provide details of damage etc to them. There was a thread started giving details:

P.S. how were the toilets on the way down from Inverness?


New Member
Noodley said:
Alves, no help re civil action but PC Plod was enquiring if any riders could provide details of damage etc to them. There was a thread started giving details:

P.S. how were the toilets on the way down from Inverness?

Have replied to the PC.
PS The disabled toilets at Ralia are luxurious and used for a nice wash and water.
There is a good balcony which provides shelter but I didn't kip there in the end, gorgeous evening/dusk over Drumochter, killer head wind!

Steve Austin

The Marmalade Kid
Alves said:
Just back from a tour of the West (midge) Coast and visited my folks in Pitlochry on the way back (I grew up there and I'm a cyclist so I'm a little biased). The local rumour/gossip is that Mr Grosset is going to plead Not Guilty.
Presumably on the grounds that he didn't do it, it can't be proved or he was somehow mentally incapable or not of sound mind at the time.
This is going to be interesting.
I still plan to take a civil action against this man for the cost of 2 new inners, a packet of glueless patches and a new Michelin Krylion.
Still have to work out how, so if anyone knows, do share.

you could take a small claim out against him

You will need to write to the person you are making a claim against first as it won't get anywhere in court without it. Of course, the defendant may deny any responsibility for any damage, and if so, it will be impossible to claim against him. Of course if he is charged, then he will have been held responsible and i can foresee many claims :biggrin:

I'm happy to advise anyone anyone about this, if you want. PM would be better
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