Etape Caledonia Sabotaged

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New Member

i've ridden it

its only marshaled at the junctions you could move about freely on bike even if you're not officially allowed to (although not sure on this

does seem funny to be talking of the road being 'closed' when it has the most people on it (by a country mile) all year....

It's a public road owned and paid for by the taxpayer

you are aware of that??


New Member

how do you feel about the compulsory purchase system BTW?

surely an infringement to individual liberty to dwarf this issue?


gadgetmind said:
What do you mean by "those against the event"? The only objections I have seen have been to the road closures rather than to an event being held. In fact, those objecting to the closures seem to have gone out of their way to make it clear that they support the event and that they are even prepared to help out with it.

I mean those who wish to see the event changed. This is a closed road event. If you remove that from the equation it is no longer the same event. Therefore, if you are against the road closure you are against the event.


gadgetmind said:
As you might expect with it being a forum for keen cyclists, it has a strong bias against the interests of the locals...

You are not listening at all. And you appear to have put a considerably amount of effort into making your ill-informed views known for someone with little interest in sporting or Perthshire matters!


adscrim said:
I mean those who wish to see the event changed. This is a closed road event. If you remove that from the equation it is no longer the same event. Therefore, if you are against the road closure you are against the event.

He's been told that many times. He still does not appear to listen or to understand.

Maybe cos he and his mates all manage to move over and let the all important cars go past them all the time. Shared roads eh?


back and brave
gadgetmind said:
there does seem to be a wee bit more balance than in the discussions here.

And by balance you mean people that will agree with you. It's clear that's not really going to happen. I think you've made your position clear - you empathise with those few locals that felt inconvenienced. That's fine, and I'm sure many people here would prefer that no-one was inconvenienced too. But that - as has been pointed out frequently - simply does not happen; ever. Have you anything else to say?


New Member
adscrim said:
Therefore, if you are against the road closure you are against the event.

No, you are simply against the event in the exact form that it's in now. If someone wants to take this and use it to brand someone else "anti-Etape" or "anti-cycling" then there's no way to effectively prevent that other than to point out that it's a serious distortion of the truth.

Remember, I'm very pro cycling. I make many trips by bicycle every day, rarely drive, and am a member of various local Cycling leisure/action groups. However, I don't get involved in things like Critical Mass as I think it does more harm than good. Cyclists need to "play nicely" with other people as doing the contrary really is counter-productive and turns people against cyclists.

Which is where this whole conversation started.



New Member
Noodley said:
Maybe cos he and his mates all manage to move over and let the all important cars go past them all the time. Shared roads eh?

Yes, shared roads and consideration for others. I guess we could ride several abreast and block other traffic, but what would that really achieve? Is it really your view that we shouldn't move over?



back and brave
gadgetmind said:
I really don't seem to be making much progress in getting people here to see both sides of the issue

I think you're wrong there. I think both sides are seen it's just that people here have decided differently to you. :biggrin:


back and brave
gadgetmind said:
Cyclists need to "play nicely" with other people as doing the contrary really is counter-productive and turns people against cyclists.

On open roads, I would agree with you. But I think you are confusing issues. We are talking here about a cycling event that has been sanctioned by the powers that be. It is clear that events of any kind inconvenience some people, always will. The issue is whether that's acceptable and under what circumstances.


There are many many open road sportives held throughout UK. The ONLY reason Etape Caledonia gets more than a few hundred cyclists is simply because it is on a closed road. Lets be honest about this - Pitlochry is a long way for most to drive to The road used is very narrow, much narrower than normal roads on a sportive. I for one, would not enter this ride as an open road event. Indeed, I do not think the organisers would even consider it - it would be simply too dangerous. You cannot run cars and cyclists down this route at the same time.

So, we get to the heart of the comments here. If you are not pro-closed road - you are anti-event.


gadgetmind said:
Cyclists need to "play nicely" with other people as doing the contrary really is counter-productive and turns people against cyclists.

So are you saying all cyclists should do as we are told by a minority of people who do not want us to do something as it is an inconvenience to them? What about compulsory helmet wearing? Compulsory cycle paths?

If you are willing to roll over then that's your choice. I play by the rules of the road. I am considerate to other road users.

I still don't think you are listening very well to others:

This event is only an event as it is run on a road which is closed for a period of time. There is no way it would be an event if the road was not closed. Not really promoting cycling then is it?

If you cannot get your head round this you are not being very aware of a type of cycling beyond your type of cycling.

Mr Celine

The Jim Clark Rally was held on public roads around Duns last weekend.

Were roads closed to motor vehicles?
No. They were closed to all vehicles and pedestrians.

Did the closures last for 3 hours?
No. They lasted for up to 5 hours.

Were the roads just closed on Sunday?
No. They were closed on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Was it free for the public to watch this event?
Only if you live alongside the route.

Was anyone inconvenienced?
More people than were allegedly trapped in their homes in Perthshire.

Did anyone moan about it?
No. They either watch it, take part in it or just put up with it. Those inconvenienced know that this disruption is only once a year and helps to keep others in their community in business.

Steve Austin

The Marmalade Kid
I know i'm a cyclist and a fan of most sport, but i would be pleased as punch for any event to go past my house. who cares if the roads are closed for a day, there is more to life.
Folk really need to put this into perspective, I mean how many days do you spend a whole day in your house without going anywhere? If the perps could just take a step back and realise this is a great event and worth a lot more to others than their petty minded attitudes.

If only I lived a bit closer as i would love to ride this event, just to show unity against those who object to it.
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