Etape Caledonia Sabotaged

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gadgetmind said:
I guess that's what happens when you choose the wrong format and then try and force the local environment and community to fit. Square pegs in round holes, etc.

Some flexibility regards format could keep everyone happy. But I doubt it will happen. :-(


What sort of flexibility are you looking for?
gadgetmind said:
I guess that's what happens when you choose the wrong format and then try and force the local environment and community to fit. Square pegs in round holes, etc.

Some flexibility regards format could keep everyone happy. But I doubt it will happen. :-(


Speaking from experience, there are quite a lot of square pegs living in these communities. You'd really have to live there to understand it. Whilst the majority of folks are very nice, the vociferous few tend to reign over everything, no flexibility in the world will accommodate them. It's their way or not on their highway :ohmy:


New Member
MichaelM said:
What sort of flexibility are you looking for?

Personally, I'm not looking for any.

The good people of Perthshire would seem to want whatever level of flexibility is required to ensure that the roads aren't closed. Perhaps some flexibility modelled around what the many other UK events do to achieve their goals without having road closures as an absolute requirement. I believe they used staged starts to avoid congestion and they also encourage riders to be observation of and considerate to other road users.

I'll probably be riding 90 miles on Sunday, and we'll be using the magic of "car up!" to avoid inconveniencing other road users. We could ask the good people of the towns and villages we'll be passing through to close the roads for us, but this being Yorkshire, I reckon we'd get some pretty blunt responses!



back and brave
gadgetmind said:
The good people of Perthshire would seem to want whatever level of flexibility is required to ensure that the roads aren't closed.

'No road closures' doesn't sound like a text book definition of flexibility to me. :biggrin:

From what others have said, there are many good people of Perthshire who had no objection. If it's to be believed then many more than had an objection.

Sadly, with just about event there will be a level of disruption or inconvenience to someone. Whilst I recognise your desire to avoid that Ian, I just don't think it's possible. Someone will always complain. You must have experienced something along those lines at some time or other.
Gadgetmind, have you ridden these singletrack roads? Where I lived there was some kind of Audax going through, probably about 30 riders strung out. It took me a good 10 minutes of nipping in and out of passing places to get past them. Luckily they had the courtesy to wait behind me when another car was coming and I had to wait, if they'd gone past I'd never have got past them, it's just impractical to try and do that past 3500 bikes. Even as a single cyclist on those roads cars have to wait in passing places you can't get a car and a bike past most of the time.


New Member

the value you quote £440 is based on last year's event which had approximatley half the number of participants

i merely doubled the amount to get £1m


this is a bit like a planning application

there are often some people whio are adversley affected by a development, sometimes incredibly so e.g. quarry development near house. A Council needs to weight up the benefit of the development and for the wider society against the very localised impacts. In this case the impacts are to so few and so small and the gains that big that its actually, I belive the term is, a no-brainer

ferret fur

Well-Known Member
Gadgetmind: Quite frankly you really have to look at the detail to realize how obtuse some of the antis objections are: Let's start with the claim that they are 'imprisoned' in their houses with no sense that individuals could work around the 3-4 hours of road closure on a Sunday. The whole of Highland Perthshire being closed down for the weekend when a few small backroads are closed for a Sunday morning: The wide variety of medical ailments which prevented people getting to hospital on that particular morning including an ambulance which didn't arrive for 8 hours when someone had a stroke. etc etc.
I don't think that as a cyclist I have a right to impose my minority sport on an unwilling majority. Nor do I have a right to completely disrupt the lives of a small minority. However, as has been repeated above, the objectors are a small intransigent, bloody minded group who object purely because they want to get their own way. No matter what. They don't represent 'local opinion' nor are they willing to realistically compromise. In a way all this shows how 'terrorism' (in the loosest sense of the word, & by that I just mean taking direct action) is highly successful. Without being in possession of the facts, people end up thinking 'well, they must have a good reason for doing this'. They don't.


gillan said:

the value you quote £440 is based on last year's event which had approximatley half the number of participants

i merely doubled the amount to get £1m
No worries, now I understand :smile: !

I was just trying to make sure we didn't end up with "cyclists' exaggeration syndrome" ;)

By the way, that hill I climbed on Sunday was at least 32% :evil:


New Member
Crackle said:
Gadgetmind, have you ridden these singletrack roads?

I've ridden on a lot of singletrack roads, usually alone, but occasionally with a group of other cyclists. When a car comes from behind, you pull in and let them past. With 3500 cyclists this could be tricky which is why you probably need a staged start.

I'm sure the good people of Perthshire will understand that going might be slower than usual, but the choice they are being offered is this or being totally banned from the roads. Oh no, hang on, they aren't being offered a choice at all. :-(

By the way, how many similar events are there in the UK on an annual basis? Is there a list somewhere? It would be interesting to see how these other events solve these kinds of problems without causing such disruption.



New Member
ferret fur said:
I don't think that as a cyclist I have a right to impose my minority sport on an unwilling majority. Nor do I have a right to completely disrupt the lives of a small minority.

Yes, that's the way I see it too.

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