Gadgetmind: Quite frankly you really have to look at the detail to realize how obtuse some of the antis objections are: Let's start with the claim that they are 'imprisoned' in their houses with no sense that individuals could work around the 3-4 hours of road closure on a Sunday. The whole of Highland Perthshire being closed down for the weekend when a few small backroads are closed for a Sunday morning: The wide variety of medical ailments which prevented people getting to hospital on that particular morning including an ambulance which didn't arrive for 8 hours when someone had a stroke. etc etc.
I don't think that as a cyclist I have a right to impose my minority sport on an unwilling majority. Nor do I have a right to completely disrupt the lives of a small minority. However, as has been repeated above, the objectors are a small intransigent, bloody minded group who object purely because they want to get their own way. No matter what. They don't represent 'local opinion' nor are they willing to realistically compromise. In a way all this shows how 'terrorism' (in the loosest sense of the word, & by that I just mean taking direct action) is highly successful. Without being in possession of the facts, people end up thinking 'well, they must have a good reason for doing this'. They don't.