erm..the things only women do?

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Openly Marxist
badkitty said:
I just thought that RR's comment told us all that here is a man who obviously needs a woman to keep him focussed and on track with any given task (nagging),
who needs a woman to keep him up to speed on what happening in the world around him (gossiping),
who needs a woman to give him an honest painful opinion sometimes (criticism), and who doesn't pay enough attention to the females around him so that their barely disguised anger shows in their voice (whingeing).

I thought the comment was far more damaging to RR, than it was to us women, to be honest.

And no...I'm not scared..:smile:.

Well I didn't really think you were scared. But I do think you're indulging him. It was just a barrage of well-worn stereotypes; derogatory terms long associated with the female, two of which in particular are almost never applied to men (even though it is simply untrue that the behaviours they refer to are not displayed by men as often as women).

Amanda P

Legendary Member
Walk with their arms folded.


theclaud said:
I see you've got over yesterday's spot of pouting and flouncing, then. Well done.

Well, we are all entitled to our opinion. I was angry at something I read, overreacted, calmed down, asked for it to be removed, apologised and moved on. The past is the past, live and let live and all that


Openly Marxist
Greedo said:
Well, we are all entitled to our opinion. I was angry at something I read, overreacted, calmed down, asked for it to be removed, apologised and moved on. The past is the past, live and let live and all that

And back to Business As Usual?
I have a colleague who is transgender - from man to woman. I find her insights fascinating. She said that the biggest difference she has noticed was that, as a woman, she appears to be given fewer 'rights to speak' than when she was a man - she is talked over in meetings more often, she said she feels less listened to, that her opinions are not heard out and are not taken as seriously - dismissed out of hand. I also find this to be the case in professional contexts.

My question is thus whether the stereotypical attribution of women as nagging, whinging etc is more about their subordination: in other words about denying them empowerment, participation, and influence which is based on the visible aspects of their gender, rather than them actually nagging, whinging etc.


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
Generlly speaking I think women deal with men better than men:ohmy:


Barbara Woodhouse's Love Child
philipbh said:
Walk normally in 3" + heels

Try as I might, I am still unable to master it :smile:

A male pal of mine has a liking for funky high heels, designed for men I believe. He can walk in 4" heels, size 13s better than ANY woman I've ever seen. :biggrin:

I suppose what I'm saying Philipbh is ..... never give up trying.


New Member
Kirstie said:
I have a colleague who is transgender - from man to woman. I find her insights fascinating. She said that the biggest difference she has noticed was that, as a woman, she appears to be given fewer 'rights to speak' than when she was a man - she is talked over in meetings more often, she said she feels less listened to, that her opinions are not heard out and are not taken as seriously - dismissed out of hand. I also find this to be the case in professional contexts.

My question is thus whether the stereotypical attribution of women as nagging, whinging etc is more about their subordination: in other words about denying them empowerment, participation, and influence which is based on the visible aspects of their gender, rather than them actually nagging, whinging etc.

best post I've read anywhere all year, and it might take some beating!

I was going to say "CLAIM they can multi task" when they simply can't, but then that is applicable to anyone, it just drives me nuts. Some people have a complete inability to think beyond the next stage and so continually crash.

Personally I would never claim I can multi task, but I do seem to manage better than those (usually female) who proclaim it as some sort of DNA level birthright.

also are we all still in school? the boys/girls are better than the girls/boys
theclaud said:
But I do think you're indulging him. It was just a barrage of well-worn stereotypes; derogatory terms long associated with the female, two of which in particular are almost never applied to men (even though it is simply untrue that the behaviours they refer to are not displayed by men as often as women).

Is it really fair to say that by just ignoring such tedious dull nonsense, I and I guess the other females on here, are indulging him, (and some the other men who frankly are often beneath contempt in their attitudes to women) by not constantly challenging them?

Maybe you're right. But I think it's more the case that most of this crap simply isn't worthy of the time it takes to type an admonishment*. I just have far better things to do.

*Unless, of course, there is an overgrowth of such trash as there is currently on Cyclechat, in which case those bored with it/offended by it should indeed challenge.

(I think of it like the worst case of thrush...always there lurking, needs keeping in check, but sometimes gets outrageously out of control and needs dealing with.:smile::biggrin::biggrin: )
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