Enlarged prostate - Experiences from others who suffer and options going forward

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I was trained to self-catheterise a year ago and while I can do it, when needed, it's been a powerful incentive to manage my liquid intake and output so that I don't need to.

Obviously everyone is very different but I can only imagine that probably means you aren't drinking enough?

All uphill

Still rolling along
Obviously everyone is very different but I can only imagine that probably means you aren't drinking enough?

No, I'm very careful to drink enough, but I make sure that I never drink large quantities quickly. I don't drink beer, so that helps.

The other thing I have to avoid is sitting still for too long; I need and want to move around in the evenings rather than flopping in front of the TV.

All uphill

Still rolling along
The day finally arrived for my prostate to get dealt with.

Ms AU heroically delivered me to the hospital way before dawn and went off for coffee.

I answered a hundred questions a hundred times, admired the sheafs of paper records (!) which the surgeon amusingly dropped on the floor.

All went well apparently, apart from the idiot who kept saying he needed a poo while in the recovery room.

It took about 40 minutes to fully recover. It's taking Ms AU longer to recover from all the coffee she drank.

Home now and remarkably pain free. We'll see if that lasts.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
The day finally arrived for my prostate to get dealt with.

Ms AU heroically delivered me to the hospital way before dawn and went off for coffee.

I answered a hundred questions a hundred times, admired the sheafs of paper records (!) which the surgeon amusingly dropped on the floor.

All went well apparently, apart from the idiot who kept saying he needed a poo while in the recovery room.

It took about 40 minutes to fully recover. It's taking Ms AU longer to recover from all the coffee she drank.

Home now and remarkably pain free. We'll see if that lasts.

Well done! Wishing you a full and speedy recovery, and an end to the self catheterisation :okay:.


For a while after it was like peeing razor blades,plus i had a bag fastened to my left leg,then i was fastened to a night bag on a stand a massive bag that was always bulging on a morning.


Legendary Member
This isn't really about the prostate but it is about catheterisation and cycling so I think it's appropriate here.

A barman in Aberdeen was once telling me he'd been mountain-biking in Scotland and had hit a boulder unexpectedly, been shunted forward off his saddle, landed on his perineum (or 'taint' to give it it's more technical term) and it was discovered he'd ruptured his urethra. This required a urethraplasty which he told me would require intermittent catheterisarion for the rest of his life.

I was then recalling this story to a Scottish colleague who told me exactly the same condition had been suffered by her husband when a car hit him head on in Glasgow on a training ride on a road bike. Intermittent self-catheterisation for life for him now as well.

Does anyone else know of more of these cases making it possibly being a hazard of cycling?

All uphill

Still rolling along
Six weeks on from prostate surgery (HoLEP) and I am very impressed. I don't expect the full benefits for several more months, but my life has already been transformed.

I sleep through the night about three nights a week, and no longer go through life from one toilet to the next.

As expected I've lost fitness despite walking 3 to 5 miles a day. I had my first ride on a bike yesterday- just 1 mile and I was puffing up the small hill coming home.


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Six weeks on from prostate surgery (HoLEP) and I am very impressed. I don't expect the full benefits for several more months, but my life has already been transformed.

I sleep through the night about three nights a week, and no longer go through life from one toilet to the next.

As expected I've lost fitness despite walking 3 to 5 miles a day. I had my first ride on a bike yesterday- just 1 mile and I was puffing up the small hill coming home.

Good News on the life transformation front.

The bike not so good, but it will soon come back. Good luck!
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