Does anyone else struggle with Tamsulosin? I find it very effective at reducing the urge to pee, but the side effects are (for me) unpleasant. I get low BP, headaches and a dazed feeling.
It only comes in one dose size, 400mg.
With the connivance of my GP I'm opening the capsule each day and pouring 1/2 to 3/4 away before swallowing. That seems to still give me the benefits but far less side effects.
I was on that for a while and to be fair, it was years later before anyone realised I shouldn't have been. My experience was horrendous as I presented at A&E with a suspected heart attack probably 6 times in more, with one visit being told I was having panic attacks which I knew I wasn't. Eventually when I mentioned it casually to my first urologist, she went chalk white and took me off them straight away. The heart issue never surfaced again and it even lead to a full heart scan that was 100% clear. Horrible stuff that.