Heres the latest, no Turkey, no veggies for Xmas and now, ta da….Santa can’t get any toys, due to a shortage of HGV drivers, a shortage of port space, leads to a shortage of toys, you know what to do, feel free to panic immediately
As a tight fisted git, with an aversion to religion and religious festivals I can only smile at this great news

Turkey is the worst of all meats and is so dry it has to be smothered in some sauce or other so all you have is a chewy, sauce flavored, gunge on your plate! There will always be vegetables, although no doubt there`ll be a shortage of sprouts! At least that will be good for the environment (a distinct lack of methane in the atmosphere approximately 2 hours after lunch!)
Santa has had COVID along with his reindeer and Elves ( kids are gullible and send HIM presents) Oh yes, the benefit of
no toys on Christmas day.... no noise from various musical instruments, played badly, no music systems etc. blasting music for the whole neighborhood to have to listen to!
(Why do people feel the need to open their windows fully on a cold winters day to plat their new music?)
A shortage of Port space? Nah, there`s always room for the odd bottle of Port in my house

Panic? Me? Not at all no
