Eventually all vehicle owners will have topped up all their vehicles, and jerry cans and carrier bags aside, there will be no room for any more and things will return to normal.
Has anyone done the sums for how long this will take? I have no idea what the figures are.
I guess it boils down to how much bigger is the collective fuel storage of the country's vehicles than the collective fuel storage of service stations?
Of course when this does happen I'll panic and go and fill my car, which is sitting in the garage with a half full tank. No plans to drive anywhere for a few weeks.
Very rough ball park figures. There are around 31 million cars in the UK, each with an average of around a 47 litre tank. So around 1,457,000,000 litres held in cars.
There are about 8,000 filling stations in the UK, which hold on average around 50,000 litres of fuel. So roughly 400,000,000 litres of fuel in filling stations.
A tanker holds around 40,000 litres depending on the fuel, so roughly 10,000 deliveries to top every station up, which isn't that much when it's spread around 8,000 stations.
Sits back and waits for teacher to correct my maths.