Doping git thread

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rich p

rich p

ridiculous old lush
The Freeman and Sutton show is back on the road.

You couldn't make this shite up!

I wonder who the coach is...if it's true

O'Rourke alleged that Sutton was taking part in the Tour of Ireland when he was handed a can of urine by a current British Cycling coach.
She also listed a number of allegations concerning Sutton, including:

  • That he received drugs in a McDonald's toilet in Edinburgh.
  • That he had confessed to Dr Freeman that he had used amphetamines while he was a rider.
they make a primary school playground seem grown up:wacko:


Firm and Fruity
Come on.
We’ve all handed a mate a can of urine. And who amongst us hasn’t got drugs in a McDonalds’ toilet.
These are Rites of Passage for young men. This isn’t news.


Legendary Member
Well, it was a Coke can after all...
Once the season starts again this will all end I promise 😁
We'll get back to taking the piss out of your predictions.


Legendary Member
I have come to the realization that no matter how hard i have tried all my life to better myself for over30 years by working hard, doing courses etc i have never got any further, stuck in a dead end job that i cant leave as i have to support the family .Looking forward i can only see me continuing till they either close the place or i get shown the door when i cant do the job anymore due to getting older and its a young mans job .
I have looked my future with glum realization that this is it
Dragging it out as long as they can..will probally turn up in a oversized suit with a zimmerframe pleading poor health....
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