Hey guys, you are turning this into a tech fest which is of no use whatsoever to stonechat. For those of us involved in racing it's all very interesting but we are in a minority and so of very little interest to most on CC. In any case there are very few absolutes in the human body and having been involved in coaching / training and competing for more years than I care to remember if there is one thing that I have learnt, it is that everyone is different and will respond in different ways to exercise.
All the OP really needs to do at this stage is longer rides and push a bit harder when they feel able to. The real trick is to do something most days, even if it isn't much, fitness will increase noticeably. The training plan is clearly nonsense. When the road bike comes, hill climbing will feel much easier, particularly out of the saddle. You could steal a march on most by learning to ride on the drops for a few minutes at a time, it saves a lot of energy particularly if you are on someone's wheel / into the wind. Most of all don't worry, I'll bet there will be hundreds who will struggle more than you, enjoy yourself!