domtyler said:No she will not!
Last night was not much better, her mum took her up at 7:30, I went up to her ten minutes later as she was making a right racket and decided that she was so wide awake that I would bring her back down again. She went up again at 9:30 and I had to then go up again as she was crying and told her in no uncertain terms that she had to go to sleep, which she then did.
I got her up at 6:10 this morning though!
How many hours of sleep should she be getting at this age? I am beginning to think that eleven at night and one or two at lunch time is too simply much.
I think then you have got to the time to try and cut out the midday sleep. However in the early days of doing this they start to get very tired at about 4 - 5. Under no circumstances let them drop off at this time otherwise your evening will be worse than it is now