Do you use toeclips?

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Cycling is not a specific activity for me, it's one usually augmented by enjoying myself, I might have a cycle with me a lot but I am often not on it.:cheers:

It's not as if I am anti-clip but I want to wear my own normal trainers so use both toe/cage clips and half toe ones.


Legendary Member
I used ones just as in the pic. in the OP on my summer/touring bike until the straps wore through and fell off, I've continued to use the same clips strapless ever since.
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Stubborn git
Ha! Going to sound really old now. Used them in 1990/91 then went SPD clipless and have been ever since. Never been tempted to try 'road' SPD-SL or other single sided systems.

Snap. My original early 90's SPD's are still going. Although these last few years I have reverted to flats more.

Toe straps were the work of Satan, especially when riding off road. Don't think I would like to use them again on any bike.


Legendary Member
NE England
In my upright riding days all my bikes had them. When I went recumbent I changed to clipless as you don't want to drop a foot and the toe straps don't stop you're foot sliding back unless they are very tight.


Just about surviving
I used them for years from the early 70's. Went clipless when I got back into cycling proper in the early 00's.
Getting out of clipless so much easier. Having to bend down to release strap not as instinctive as a quick twist of ankle.


I used them for years from the early 70's. Went clipless when I got back into cycling proper in the early 00's.
Getting out of clipless so much easier. Having to bend down to release strap not as instinctive as a quick twist of ankle.
Especially in an emergency stop situation! I came a cropper a few times with straps whenever I wore trainers/walking shoes that didn't have smooth sides to the sole as they seemed to 'snag' when panic set in. The SPDs have been my preference for the past 20yrs as you can walk in them if popping to the pub/shops/cafe without looking like Bambi on Ice with the race type.


Just about surviving

These Shimano cleat covers help both protect cleats and allow you to walk easier.
I used toe clips for many years and still have Christophes on my touring bike but use plain flat pedals on my urban runabout.

I never tighten the leather straps. You need to match the grippyness of shoes to the grippyness of pedals. Too much grip hinders slick entry and removal, too little means you slide out. Removal is instant with no twisting or rotation required. There is no reason to use clips in racing mode , (tight with cleats) when clipless is much better in this role.

They position your feet correctly, prevent you bouncing off your pedals, help riding out of the saddle and increase the power phase of the pedalling circle compared to plain platforms.
For long duration touring, the failure mode is better than clipless. Clipless either won't clip in or won't release.


Not used them since my early 20's. When there was little alternative I used them, but went clipless with glee.
My progression was similar, except that I was nearer 35 when I switched to clipless. They hadn't been invented when I was 20 otherwise I would have switched much sooner.

Hugh Manatee

Been mostly clipless since around 1992? Have dropped Look and SPD in favour of Time and Speedplay. However, on one bike I still have clips and straps:


I do believe those are the original Saracen branded clips.
Note also the original 1990 pedals, front mech and small/big rings! I have changed the middle ring 3 or 4 times now. I let things almost wear away completely and then change everything.

Also the 1992 Sharkfin is still there!
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