Do you talk to your bike?

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booze and cake

probably out cycling
Yep I talk to mine too, and they all have names. Currently got 4 bikes, Blue Thunder (MTB) White Lightening (used, abused, never washed in over 3 years battered single speed commuter), Al (Italian geared roadie) and George (custom single speed Mercian).

The longer I have them the more sentimental and attached to them I get. I probably do most miles on the geared roadie and as its Italian, and in my mind hates rain and bad weather, I apologise to it if its forced to be out in the rain. Earlier in the year me and mate cycled through about a mile of flood water that was over the hubs and I was apologising to it the whole way and was having to make promises of how I'd make it up him later. Also I did a bit of bridelway recently that was really muddy and I was slip sliding away on my slick, 23c tyres. Again the geared Italian was definately swearing back at me but luckily I don't understand Italian :smile:

Oh and earlier this week in the cold I had a puncture, my toes and fingers were already freezing so I was doing the 'no not now, please don't, come on now, just let me limp home' routine, it was'nt having any of it and deflated faster than my spirits, cajouling failed I quickly resorted to '***k you then you ****er!' and probably some invented some new swears as I cowered in a dark, cold ,empty bus stop struggling to get those damn tight krylions off the rim.
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