Discrimination and Loss of "freedom of movement" for poor and disabled

Is exclusion and discrimination of the poor and disabled in regards to cycling a serious problem?

  • yes

    Votes: 10 12.0%
  • no

    Votes: 29 34.9%
  • I am ignorant on the issue (lack of knowledge, not dumb)

    Votes: 16 19.3%
  • your trolling

    Votes: 19 22.9%
  • your not trolling

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • They are a danger and should not be allowed (for what ever reason)

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • I never knew I was discriminating by "exclusion"

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • I don't want them cycling and think you need to be silenced

    Votes: 3 3.6%
  • please educate me

    Votes: 12 14.5%
  • TMI (if this is your selection please PM as to why)

    Votes: 8 9.6%

  • Total voters
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Senior Member
It's true. IP only shows location. PC/phone is the link to that location. The FBI and Police and legally monitor your activities without a warrant.

To be completely anonymous you would need a burn phone and a burn PC and never access your email or anything that would identify you in anyway, so your not that anonymous your just not important enough to keep tags on.


Leg End Member
Were you trying to describe where I live? too bad not even close I had admitted to living in a "TOWER" you know buildings with elevators
But elsewhere, not on here, you have said that the lifts do not work. This means you have to walk up the stairs, which you claimed was discrimination "because you poor".
"If you were rich you could live somewhere else, better!, where the lifts work. You then would not have to walk up stairs. Presumably walking up & down stairs is only for the poor, in your book." My words

Important question.
When you were last stopped, whilst cycling on the pavement, by the police. Had you been drinking or drinking at the time?
Long winded answer or avoiding the question will be taken as a meaning yes.
So simple answer required, YES or NO.

Film feeds working okay.

It was me that brought epilepsy into this. Pointing out what trouble it causes me. I have a code that blocks the IMEI number from the system. Change in the law a few years ago, over here, means they can now charge for calls made using this code. Whether making or receiving, previously they had to prove the call was outbound. Part of the system, so they can't disable it.


Senior Member
Classic33 You get charged for incoming calls:eek: (i may have read that wrong). Thanks IMEI was the number that i was thinking of:thumbsup:.

disabled rider

Trouble these days is you don't know who may watching what you're doing. Get a book/film out of a library, a record is made of who it went to & when. Similar record when its returned. Pay for something & record is made, when, where, how much & what for. There is no real way round this system.

Oh and by the way, if you read what you claim to have reposted, you'll find very little matches your opening post. You don't know what those on here are qualified in, so please do not make unfounded statements, unless you are able to back them up, with proof. You want us to back up what we are saying, you are now being told to do the same. After all you don't want to exclude anyone, do you?

OH and by the way, The first post was a PRELUDE not the actual subject of the matter so of course its not going to match the first post.

I already asked the library a year ago, they don't and are not allowed to record what you have checked out to keep a record. It is a "privacy thing" and the library server does not have the capability to track. I wanted my record to keep track of what I checked out as a reminder of the material I had checked out in the past, , So I would not check material I had already used out again, when you get past 6000 it gets hard to remember every detail of everything you viewed. Our records are purged once the material is returned, by law.

most of my activities is off the grid. simply because I don't use "most" of the stuff that tracks you. I can't afford it anyway.

Only thing that gets or can be tracked is using the library computer for internet access, even that can only be tracked to the library card number NOT the person. simply use someone else library number and password, password is only 4 digits.

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
I will simplify it for you, heart surgery, 20 miles I am fine, 40+ I may have problems. Use of 52 will bring that mileage in to the 20 mile range. using back roads I could go 50-100 miles to get to that area or similar area. Now I am in trouble. I am still capable of getting there If I take the direct route. Telling me I can only use back roads, which are even more dangerous, with no shoulders and windy roads not to mention total distance that compromises my health. I am capable of hunting if the policy is modified. I am not capable of it, if the policy stays the same. It is the POLICY that disabled me. NOT my impairments.

Think about the person in wheel chair and the second floor example i used early on, with no elevator. But the person was capable of participating in the meeting.

I won't need to drag deer far, I take the trailer to the deer or near the deer out of respect to other hunters. I can also pace myself little bit at time, it is not a race unlike like a job is, where time is money.

I can tell you fell for false info by other poster about where I live. I am in tower with elevators, we have quite a few tower apartments in the states. I don't ever have to lift the full weight of the deer. I don't have to lift it into the trailer either you drag it into it you only have to apply a fraction of the force then.. I could move a 300lb log using leverage by myself with little effort, even after heart surgery. use your brain to problem solve..

My brain tells me there is an ideal job for you: you could be a cellar master: that means taking deliveries for a large licenced premises, keep the delivery log, dispense the liqueur/barrels of beer to the various bars.
You are able to lift with equipment, you are clever enough to keep the log, you don't need social skills at all for this as you don't see the public.
Here in the UK this is a reasonable paid job.
BTW, we have towers with elevators too here, I'm pretty sure dragging a dead deer in one of them would be frowned upon ;)


Leg End Member
Classic33 You get charged for incoming calls:eek: (i may have read that wrong). Thanks IMEI was the number that i was thinking of:thumbsup:.
You read right, and wrong! If a call is made using the code, the system is unable to detemine if the call is inbound or outbound only that the number is in use.

Think of it as dialling a number & getting an engaged tone. You know the number is in use, but you are unable to say who called who. That is what the code does to the system.

Prior to the change in the law, they had to prove that the call was outbound, before they could charge for it. Now they don't have to prove which way the call was going in order to charge

Disabled rider.
Awaiting answer or are you evading the question!


Leg End Member
OH and by the way, The first post was a PRELUDE not the actual subject of the matter so of course its not going to match the first post..
Which you claimed to repost

I already asked the library a year ago, they don't and are not allowed to record what you have checked out to keep a record. It is a "privacy thing" and the library server does not have the capability to track. I wanted my record to keep track of what I checked out as a reminder of the material I had checked out in the past, , So I would not check material I had already used out again, when you get past 6000 it gets hard to remember every detail of everything you viewed. Our records are purged once the material is returned, by law..
So they say. That being the case how do they know what books they have

most of my activities is off the grid. simply because I don't use "most" of the stuff that tracks you. I can't afford it anyway.

Only thing that gets or can be tracked is using the library computer for internet access, even that can only be tracked to the library card number NOT the person. simply use someone else library number and password, password is only 4 digits.
Card traced back to user, pin number traced back to user. Unless you give both to someone else! Either way it will come back to you.

disabled rider

But elsewhere, not on here, you have said that the lifts do not work. This means you have to walk up the stairs, which you claimed was discrimination "because you poor".
"If you were rich you could live somewhere else, better!, where the lifts work. You then would not have to walk up stairs. Presumably walking up & down stairs is only for the poor, in your book." My words

Important question.
When you were last stopped, whilst cycling on the pavement, by the police. Had you been drinking or drinking at the time?
Long winded answer or avoiding the question will be taken as a meaning yes.
So simple answer required, YES or NO.


I have never mentioned anything about elevators not working, we have more than 1. we have redundancy, in senior towers, in the USA minimum 2 elevators , only time both elevators fail, is power outage and in the time I have lived here, we have not been without power.

Police have never stopped me in the 30 years of cycling.

Police understand, the law discriminates, which is why they had not enforced it in my case specifically.

The neighbors in this building are trying too, by forcing police hands in to an action police do not want to do.

I have only been in 4 or so other threads, with no mention of tower or apartment, because it is not relevant to those threads.

I have not avoided any questions the question you posted here in this quote is bad info to start with. so a simple yes or no, is not possible, because I am trying to correct your bad info. I only removed responses to other posters in the quoted.

only place I might have mentioned apartment, is in the introduction hello thread, which I had conveniently re-posted to this thread earlier, I would not have gone into detail there either, because of the fact, my apartment has nothing to do with being discriminated while cycling.
My focus has been the same, all along, I have not changed direction an Iota. , which is get people to understand that policy can be discriminatory. By establishing a point of perspective that is from a persons with impairments. To use MY personal experience, as example, of the discriminatory policy in action. And why said policies need to be changed to include people with impairments.

The only things that have changed, if at all is when a poster like "V" point out an error in how I said something. They pointed out 29 jobs 100% unemployable, That is did not include their organization. Once they pointed this out, I corrected myself by saying: "I am 100% unemployable in my community", Adding the red portion. and apologized to "v"


Leg End Member
Thats a YES then.
And if you take the time to read, digest & understand what was posted, or, as you put it understand what was said, you will see that I clearly said "But elsewhere, not on here,".

disabled rider

You read right, and wrong! If a call is made using the code, the system is unable to detemine if the call is inbound or outbound only that the number is in use.

Think of it as dialling a number & getting an engaged tone. You know the number is in use, but you are unable to say who called who. That is what the code does to the system.

Prior to the change in the law, they had to prove that the call was outbound, before they could charge for it. Now they don't have to prove which way the call was going in order to charge

Disabled rider.
Awaiting answer or are you evading the question!
Patience I take time to write, this is not a chat room, this is a forum, I was busy wring a response to you when you posted this.

Now I need to find the post in which I had originally Promised to reply too If I do not respond It is because I am busy writing. I have not evaded anyone

I am still trying to get use to this (every time I post, it sends me to the last page) then I have to reread stuff trying to find where I left off. I do not allow cookies on my computer, regardless to what the sites say. So its bouncing me around as a result. I am doing the best I can

If its something that needs an answer point it out I may have accidentally overlooked it because of the getting bounced about, It is not intentional. Also keep in mind a moderator goes through this thread deleting/editing posts, especially the uncivil posts, None of mine so far as far as I can tell.

Once I find the poster I promised to respond too, I intend to reread a lot of the thread, because they think they had caught me with my pants down so to speak, I haven't even pulled my pants down, nor have they fallen down, yet, and I need to quote from my previous posts to prove it. This is going to take time, be patient. This is a "forum" after all and not a "chat room".

disabled rider.

disabled rider

Thats a YES then.
And if you take the time to read, digest & understand what was posted, or, as you put it understand what was said, you will see that I clearly said "But elsewhere, not on here,".

I am allergic to alcohol I can't drink, I don't do drugs, don't smoke for same reason I don't drink

disabled rider

[QUOTE 2087450, member: 45"]Just to help, can someone remind me of the first post?[/quote]
Ok keep in mind the FIRST POST is not even the issue It was establishing grounds as to how this thread should be conducted as to not get derailed. It was also a warning, that what I was going to write about is sensitive topic that was going to push people buttons, yet it really needed to be addressed. I am not trolling here. It is a real issue that gets shunned in public places, especially when it involves who is talking and bringing it up. People get very uncomfortable, when a person with Impairments, brings up discrimination towards them.

I originally planned doing it in chapters "prelude" 1,2 ,3,4,5 After chapter 1, I abandoned the format due to peer pressure and bad comments made by posters who were derailing the thread before it even got off the ground.. The bad comments were removed mostly, by one of the moderators. The moderator had warned other members to be civil towards each other. I was and am being civil which is why it was not really directed at me.

The prelude is an establishment to the rest of what a person has to say, it is not necessarily going to share the actual content of what a person is actually planning on talking about.
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