This is a unbelievably stupid idea and my partner who is a cycling event medic also rolled his eyes to the heavens and started to stockpile burn medicine when we first heard about it.
The main worry is the discs getting red hot which will not only burn people in the event of a Peleton crash but there is also a serious risk of bikes catching fire, (it's not a concern when it's a race where riders won't be in a pack like a downhill MTB race,) Not only in the event of a group crash but also if riders make a mistake in the peleton and get the wrong part of their own bike too close to the discs of another in a decent. There are potentially quite a few things on a bike that could go up and go up fast, some chain lubes are flammable, a lot of tyre sealants, degreasers and grease are also. Carbon actually needs to get quite hot before it catches, but that's irrelevant really as the tyres and seat posts will explode long before the frame starts to burn .
In order for this to work, there needs to be strict regulations on what chemicals people are allowed to use on bikes.
Not sure if you're being serious or not? Fire risk - really???
How have motorsports - where speeds and disc temperatures are massively higher - managed for all these years?