Decisions . . . C2W scheme or not . . . . .

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The Brewer

Shed Dweller
Oh I don't know.
I'm just going to get a full suspension mountain bike from Tesco's

Resistance training, I like it^_^


Well I think I've made my decision.

I've figured out I can buy the boardman cx from halfords outright for £700 ish (rather than £900) this looks like it'll be about the sane as the cycle2work scheme but I'll own the bike from the start.

Put it on a 0% credit card and pay it off over 12 months. I have no other credit cards or loans so feel comfortable doing this.



Active Member
TBH I dont actually understand the scheme anymore, it has changed again recently (Jan 2012), to bring it in line with EU regulations on tax "free" goods through salary sacrafice.I have been waiting 2 months after showing initial interest to my employer and have decided, recently, to go down the credit card route. If the scheme is up and running with a good turnaround time dont count it out, however if it hasn't dont waste your time. Dont stick to Halfords,shop around online or at your LBS for bikes on sale (considering the discounts),the savings on the C2W scheme sometimes dont seem that appealing. I dont like the whole you dont own the bike either just doesnt sit with me. Good luck and happy cycling!!!
When did you sign up for this?
As I've seen guidance that the final payment is something like 25% of the total cost of the bike. I could be wrong though

The scheme I'm using makes a deposit payment at the end of the first year to extend the arrangement payment free for another 31 months. At which point your deposit refund is used to pay the now 7% market value payment. A scheme that requires a payment of 25% of the new value after one year is hopeless.
Most policies (that I've seen) don't allow this. However, if your policy does allow it, it can be a good option although it does tie you in to an employer for 4 years. I've never worked anywhere more than 2.5 years.

It doesn't tie you to an employer for four years as posted ^

What happens if I leave my employment during the extended hire period?
The Modifying Agreement is between you and Cyclescheme, so even if you leave your job
the extended hire period will continue to run. Cyclescheme will contact you at the end of the
extended hire period to discuss your options.

The Brewer

Shed Dweller
I've figured out I can buy the boardman cx from halfords outright for £700 ish (rather than £900) this looks like it'll be about the sane as the cycle2work scheme but I'll own the bike from the start.

How can you get the CX for £700 not £900, there's already £100 knock off in the current sale?
That was the Bike I nearly bought


1. Join British Cycling (10% discount on Halford gift vouchers) via Quidco from £13.50 - possible £12 cashback
2. Buy £810.00 of Halford gift vouchers via British cycling for £729.00
3. Order your bike on the Halfords website using the NUSFeb12 discount code, this reduces the amount payable to £809.99
4. Use your vouchers to buy the bike instore.
5. Purchase through quidco for 4.5% cash back which is £36 (but this obviously isn't guaranteed)

So total cost is £695

This should work for any halfords bike


It doesn't tie you to an employer for four years as posted ^

What happens if I leave my employment during the extended hire period?
The Modifying Agreement is between you and Cyclescheme, so even if you leave your job
the extended hire period will continue to run. Cyclescheme will contact you at the end of the
extended hire period to discuss your options.
If you are unlucky enough to be with Cyclescam (which comes with a gazillion other problems) but the OP isn't.
If you are unlucky enough to be with Cyclescam (which comes with a gazillion other problems) but the OP isn't.

I've had no problems with them. I put in my request on the 19 December. My employer authorised it the same day. The certificate was mailed on 3 January and I picked up the bike on the 7th.


What a muppet. There was nothing defamatory in that message and those were publicly available Birmingham City Council addresses, not private ones.

Never mind calling Norm a muppet - did you ask permission from the other party to post a private conversation on a public website, identifying them in the process?

The content and context of the exchange (the important part in relation to this thread) has not been changed, simply depersonalised, which is more than reasonable from where I'm standing!!
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