Decisions . . . C2W scheme or not . . . . .

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Just in case you didn't know (apologies if you did), you can source other brands via the Halfords C2W, not just those they stock in store. Specialized, Felt, Trek etc. I got an Specialized Allez through the scheme andfound their C2W customer services pretty good and they'll usually tell you in an instant whether they can source certain brands and where from (e.g. delivery only, local bike shops....)

Cycle2Work helpdesk: available at 08450 778850

Thanks I didn't know that.
I want a bike that I can attach a rack too, which is why I was looking at the boardman cx.

Are there any others ?


Well-Known Member
When did you sign up for this?
As I've seen guidance that the final payment is something like 25% of the total cost of the bike. I could be wrong though

No, at the end of the scheme after wear and tear the bike is valued at 25% of its purchase price. The way the scheme works is that the employer gives the bike away to the employee. This is counted not as a gift but as a payment in kind, which is taxable at the regular rate of 20% or whatever of the value of the bike. 20% of the 25% means in effect you pay 5% of the original value of the bike as a final payment [plus possibly national insurance, can't remember but that would bring the payment up to more like 7%]. Not all schemes work this way though, some simply allow you to buy the bike off them at a fixed price. I think the city council ones use the latter, expect to pay nearer 10%

I work for Birmingham City Council who've just introduced the same scheme, same suppliers, and its barely worth it. They don't refund the VAT so the C2W calculator is meaningless The overall saving for a regular rate tax payer is 18% in the end, which is achievable without the scheme by just shopping around. The interest free payments isn't that good since most of my LBSs offer that anyway.

I've bought a bike through the scheme just because I was going to buy a 2012 model bike anyway and it's convenient, but if I had been in the market for an older model I wouldn't have used the scheme since much better deals are going at the moment on remaining 2011 stock at the big online retailers.

If you are also a BCC employee be warned, the administrators are fecking useless, supposed to be 3 - 4 weeks turnaround but they're taking > 2 months at the moment.

And if you are in Birmingham and are interested in a 2012 bike I recommend Red Kite Cycles in Shirley, they were the best LBS I could find on the scheme's approved supplier list. Spesh and Trek mainly, though not exclusively.

And to answer the OPs other questions, cross bikes make great commuters. Versatile and bulletproof. Don't know the wheels one the Boardman one, mine's a Specialized Tricross, but I have 25mm slicks for summer, the 30mm ones that came with it when the weather gets a bit dicey, and 35mm Marathon Winters on at the minute.

shoot that's a long post, only came in to find a camera recommendation.


As I've seen guidance that the final payment is something like 25% of the total cost of the bike. I could be wrong though
You are right but you missed an important piece of The Brewer's post, where he said "Tax on benefit of kind £50"

The guidance is that the final value for a 12 month old bike which originally cost over £500 is 25%. If your employer transfers ownership at no charge, that generates a benefit in kind, on which you are charged at your marginal tax rate. Therefore, if you are a 20% tax payer who receives the bike without direct payment to your employer, you will essentially pay 5% of the purchase price as a tax charge.


Hmmm yes I work in a school for bcc

So in effect the £900 loc voucher would end up costing me around £740.

Hmm these figures keep going up and up.

The Brewer

Shed Dweller
What Nigel said, my scheme seems to be a little quicker though. I signed up last week and will have the bike in my size later this month or early next, If I wanted a 56 frame sooner.
I looked around my LBS and couldn't find a better deal for me, but there's good deals to be had out there


Legendary Member
Evans and Formby cycles also offer 0% finance among others if you have a solid credit rating (if you are happy with a bike other than the Boardman)

What's your budget for the new bike? (saw other post in the other section)


Well I really like the boardman cx but that would be at the very top of my budget.

My ideal purchase would be around 500 - 600

My main need is the ability to mount a rack


Well-Known Member
Not important but it's not a voucher scheme. They order the bike for you, the shop invoices them, they pay the shop directly.


Well-Known Member
The base model Specialized Tricross is £750, which comes down to your price range after the scheme savings, great value at that price. Mountings for racks front and rear + mudguards.

Frankly I'd be easier buying something like that from somewhere like Red Kite than spending the same amount of money in Halfords, the after sales service is in a different class and justifies paying a slight premium on the price of the bike.


Legendary Member
Well I really like the boardman cx but that would be at the very top of my budget.

My ideal purchase would be around 500 - 600

My main need is the ability to mount a rack

Budget's a bit skimpy for a CX bike it seems - second hand? Not sure why they are so costly versus an equivalently specced road bike other than fatter tyres and smaller sales volumes?

This looks to do what you want around your budget - Tiagra, takes rack and guards and Evans have 0% finance (no disk brakes though)

Why do you specifically want drops, is it for major road riding or commuting?


Well-Known Member
I presume you're aware that shops won't sell you sale priced bikes via the bike scheme? The shop gets charged 10% of the value of the bike as a commission for the scheme operators and it's the norm for them to add that 10% back onto the price of a sale priced bike. So that 2011 bike will end up costing you the same as the 2012 one I mentioned above if you buy it outright, and will be more expensive if you tried to buy it via the scheme.


Legendary Member
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