The point I was making is that your statement "if two people have a different view on a subject, then an element of doubt is always evident" only holds water if both parties are equally qualified in the area in question.
Flat-earthers exist, but there is no reasonable doubt that the Earth is an oblate spheroid.
Evolution is as well supported as any scientific theory, yet a good chunk of people doubt it. Some of them are scientists, but only a tiny handful are experts in the field, as the evidence is utterly compelling.
The reason I used religion was not as a dig, but a demonstration
There are posters on here who openly rely on their faith and experience yet publish this as unequivocal proof.
Now whilst they are obviously entitled to do so, is it actually to the benefit of the readers
Equally the view that anything not totally worshipping at the altar of the helmet is anti-helmet and hate anyone who wears helmets is unhelpful and a worrying attempt to both deny and discredit valid and beneficial information
I am not an expert, but I know that helmets have limitations and disadvantages - it is important that this is known and stated, especially where some of the claims can be dangerous if believed
I am not sure whether both parties need to be equally qualified, and not practicable on an open site like this where open debate from everyone is to be encouraged, but certainly an open mind and ability to read and analyse what is posted to make their own decision is a good start
The difficulty I have with the flat earth analogy is that with helmets there is no definitive answer, and as with the Flying Spaghetti. Monster (May you be touched by his noodly appendage) is often used as a fun and useful way to exercise and illustrate debate and discussion in some areas.
Not all those who support His Noodliness or the Flat Earth are serious about it