Cyclists-who-fail-to-use-dedicated-lanes-could-be-fined ....

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Cycling in the sun
Odd that half of the comments seem NOT to have read the OP. It specifies a fully segregated lane with a B_A_R_R_I_E_R between cycle lane and traffic ie no parking and no other traffic. If you want to complain about the idea then fine but at least read it.
Have you never seen a lorry parked at the entrance or even driven up blocking lanes completely? Even with a barrier, in fact the barrier makes it harder to them get around the obstacle.

Pete Owens

Well-Known Member
Odd that half of the comments seem NOT to have read the OP. It specifies a fully segregated lane with a B_A_R_R_I_E_R between cycle lane and traffic ie no parking and no other traffic. If you want to complain about the idea then fine but at least read it.

If he means a B_A_R_R_I_E_R that is continuous across A_L_L junctions - side roads, junctions, private drives, and so on for the entire length - such that the east-west cycle-sooper-dooper-highway would prevent any movement of north-south motor traffic across London - then this just isn't going to happen.

But if he means "fully segregated" in the same sense as Gilligan often spouts when he is talking about this sort of rubbish - which creates turning conflicts at every junction increasing the risk of collision by a factor of 10 then those of us who would rather not get squished will fight for the right keep safe by riding on the carriageway.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
As others have pointed out, making even the "safest" cycle paths mandatory is just going to initiate an explosion of Priory Lane Discovery-driving ignorant really will.


Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
It's funny how certain mobbers in this thread attack LCC when I'm 90% sure that LCC and its siblings agree that cycleways must not be mandatory and will campaign against any attempts to force us to use them. If they're good enough, let them compete with the carriageway.

Pete Owens

Well-Known Member
The only "mandatory" cycle lanes I know of, round here at least, are mandatory in the sense that motor vehicles cannot legally enter them. - Individual Member Decisions/201410090900/Agenda/329227.pdf

See P3 for the definition of mandatory as it applies to them.
It is abundantly clear that Boris wants the ban to apply to cyclists using the carriageway - and is not talking about mandatory cycle lanes (ie using a continuous rather than dashed line for an on-carriageway gutter job). Also, it seems the he has been pressing for this for a while:
"TfL says they have received similar request from the Mayor’s office in the past,"


Legendary Member
If this rubbish ever gets past the talking stage I predict civil disobedience. I for one will ride where I like, not pay any fines and go to jail if necessary. Maybe.
As long as you have a similarly liberal attitude to vehicle drivers who drive on cycle paths, the wrong way on one way streets, cyclists who cycle on motorways and pedestrians who step out in front of road traffic without a care, then I wouldn't argue with your stance:smile:.

Edit Now I see you claim your first post was a joke. Oh well!


South Tyneside
The way it reads, I could see myself suing official bodies for putting my life at greater risk.

Like where I put myself ahead of the stop line so that cars etc on the 2nd lane can see me before they sprint to turn left and kill me.
Police that one and the chance of my death would be even greater.

So, are they banning responsible life saving assertive cycling then?
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Legendary Member
I'm going to e mail Boris and invite him to Denmark to see what a bike lane looks like. I travel on excellent cycle paths which are segregated from traffic in a lot of places. They are wide and in good nick. I even have to share them with peds and mopeds, but that's ok. Cars who want to cross the cycle lane must give way to me....and do.

But I still feel that even if you got cycle paths like ours there would still be those who would not use them on principle. I think, sod principle, I like our cycle paths.


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One of the 64K
I'm going to e mail Boris and invite him to Denmark to see what a bike lane looks like. I travel on excellent cycle paths which are segregated from traffic in a lot of places. They are wide and in good nick. I even have to share them with peds and mopeds, but that's ok. Cars who want to cross the cycle lane must give way to me....and do.

But I still feel that even if you got cycle paths like ours there would still be those who would not use them on principle. I think, sod principle, I like our cycle paths.

Where were all of the buildings?
That would be great but where would he find all that wide open space in which to build them?

Anyway, I thought this thread was debunked much earlier on and there's no plans for mandatory cycle lanes, just a repsonse by the mayor from an idiotic email?
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