Edburton road is a rather pleasant road, whilst it is narrow, it does have plenty of passing places, some are quite long so with a bit of give and take from both parties, she should have been able to pass. I can understand the ladies frustration because the road does not have any “white lines” and in this day and age , motorist do seem to have problems judging time, space and speed without the help of road markings.
I think the problem was a bit of frustration and adrenalin on both sides, and a short gentle toot by the lady would have told the cyclist she was there, which would have given them time to sort the group out so she could have passed.
Of course the real problem was the two children being in the car, Children in cars cause the mum to drive in a caring manner, which means overtaking must be done at a slow speed, that the road requires to be at least 50 foot wide, and no other traffic must no nearer than 30 foot.