Kilometre nibbler
Mystery solved. These rides are ridden on Tacx trainers. The Tacx desktop app comes with this route built in.
Telegraph readers are wetting themselves over some guy in Spain sitting on his turbo pretending to whizz along the Embankment.
Telegraph readers are wetting themselves over some guy in Spain sitting on his turbo pretending to whizz along the Embankment.
Well, yes and no. "Fake" and "Doping" imply some kind of intent. Whereas what has probably happened is someone has done the workout on Tacx and uploaded it unaware that Strava will actually take it seriously. There are probably ways you can ensure it's flagged as a virtual ride on Strava, but these people haven't done that. Maybe with an evil intent to gather KOMs, equally (or more) likely because they just haven't set things up correctly.Fake data, not a chance it’s real. Digital doping.
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