Great idea on the weekly check in.
A decent enough week for me:-
M - 25 minute run (couch to 5k)
T - 2 x 18 mins @ FTP
W - 25 minute morning run & 1hr recovery on bike
T - Splitters race - awful race for me but averaged out at Z3 for an hour so it’ll do
F - 2h Z2 outdoors
S - 3 x 10mims @ FTP
S - 2h Z2 outdoors with a couple of 1 min efforts
On top of that I’m getting in 30 minutes of a walk before breakfast most days - the brighter mornings have helped with the motivation.
And what I’m really happy about is that finally I’m starting to drop the weight after months of trying. The last 4 weeks I’ve finally got my act together in terms of will power so no post dinner snacks, and no comfort eating during the day (work has free pre-packed sandwiches and free chocolate bars and I was guilty of taking a mid morning bar of chocolate just for the sake of it). I’m feeling better on the bike for it so fingers crossed I can keep it up for another month - Mallorca cycling trip is 3 weeks tomorrow.
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