Cycling Photo Challenge - the current challenge

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
It’s been interesting to see how different posters interpreted the challenge. @Oldhippy put in a strong early contender with the sea wall, @PeteXXX almost put himself in hospital on a pump track such was his dedication , @roubaixtuesday did the shadow photo and I love to take those myself, @chriswoody reminded us how sublime riding through forests can be, @FrothNinja seems to have carried on the winter scene of last month, @Dave 123 made me laugh with his unusual photo, and it reminded me how you notice the little details whilst in the flow.

So , who is the photo winner for Jan 23? I’ve decided on the second photo by @Tribansman in this post

In the first photo, mini T is looking at the camera and not fully in the moment, in the flow. In the second photo we can see what follows in the photo, and we can see it flows; but I get the palpable sense mini T’s focus at that moment, does not extend beyond that bump ahead. She is in the flow, focused on the moment, all distractions dismissed.

Well done all and thanks for the submissions for me to judge.


It’s been interesting to see how different posters interpreted the challenge. @Oldhippy put in a strong early contender with the sea wall, @PeteXXX almost put himself in hospital on a pump track such was his dedication , @roubaixtuesday did the shadow photo and I love to take those myself, @chriswoody reminded us how sublime riding through forests can be, @FrothNinja seems to have carried on the winter scene of last month, @Dave 123 made me laugh with his unusual photo, and it reminded me how you notice the little details whilst in the flow.

So , who is the photo winner for Jan 23? I’ve decided on the second photo by @Tribansman in this post

In the first photo, mini T is looking at the camera and not fully in the moment, in the flow. In the second photo we can see what follows in the photo, and we can see it flows; but I get the palpable sense mini T’s focus at that moment, does not extend beyond that bump ahead. She is in the flow, focused on the moment, all distractions dismissed.

Well done all and thanks for the submissions for me to judge.

Thanks @Ming the Merciless, Mini T's well chuffed!

Great synopsis of the entries and you're dead right about his laser like focus on that first bump!

So, the next challenge is... Film titles

I toyed with something food related but that's probably better for warmer months.

Good luck all and looking forward to seeing a great bunch of entries as ever...


Really sorry all for the lack of judging or posting here. Things continue to be manic for me and I just haven't been able to make time in between fostering and work duties. Also had a couple of other family emergencies so barely coping!! Have a week's holiday from work at the end of the month, which will be a much needed opportunity to decompress, sleep and hopefully get out for a couple of rides.

They were an absolutely stunning and highly creative bunch of entries too, was really looking forward to judging. As a much respected veteran of this thread, can I ask a favour of @Oldhippy to judge and set the next subject on my behalf please? I won't enter again any time soon as don't want to hold things up!

Thanks for all your thoughts and good wishes and hope I'm not imposing too much on your goodwill @Oldhippy ☺️


Cynical idealist
@Tribansman sorry to hear things are so stressful in your world and hope it calms to a manageable time for you and yours sooner than later. Thank you for the honour of letting me judge and I will do my best.


Cynical idealist
I've looked at all the photos a few times as I love others take on particular subjects and see how they interpret the given topics and as @Tribansman surprisingly asked me to asked me to judge I would like to announce @Ming the Merciless the winner. All the entries were inspired in many ways and as usual so many view and clever interpretation of the subject given. Ming's Easy Rider summed up the movie perfectly with his recumbent and film title. So Ming over to you low rider.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Well with the amount of effort @PeteXXX has put in this (2 weeks), it’d be a shame to deny him. I’m going to award it for his last photo, it’s got the underpass, it’s got the graffiti, it’s got the lack of signs, it’s got the “will I get mugged if I go this way vibe”, it’s got the head room sign where you know you should be alright but you wonder if you’ll hit your head, you wonder if there’s broken glass in there, you just know you’ll get dumped in an industrial estate round corner with no signs..

Post in thread 'Cycling Photo Challenge - Entries and Chat'

We done all who took part, and over to @PeteXXX


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
This month's challenge shall be 'The changing of the season'.
Usual rules, such as they are, apply. Bike, or part thereof and photos must have been taken within the time frame of the competition. Egrets are allowed, too.

I was going to just say 'Spring' but in other parts of the world it would be Autumn..


Cynical idealist
The UK is awash with reminders of arguably our greatest age, the years of Queen Victoria. So this month's challenge is your bike in, on, next to, under or over an enduring remnant of The Victorian Era. I think the scope is huge and am looking forward to seeing CCer's interpretations. Enjoy!


Cynical idealist
Well photo competitors, it all came down to the first two photos. Some excellent pictures this month I think. @FrothNinja with his picture of a Victorian post box that almost looks like it was taken in secret, really interesting picture with the half light but ultimately @PeteXXX and his Victorian boot scraper did it for me. The composition, the light which almost makes the focus of the photo a 3D image with his bike wheel nonchalantly slowed to a stop next it. So @PeteXXX You are this month's winner! @biggs682 was a close runner with a gorgeous bike in front of a Victorian post box snd deserves a mention too.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I have thunked.
June's competition will be: Your bike, or part thereof, and something odd, unusual or rare.

Have fun 😊


Legendary Member
Thankfully none of you went down the Marti Pellow route which would have been immediate disqualification.
A brief re-post of some of the 'nearly' shots...
I love the running water and steps at Sywell reservoir by @biggs682

The close-up shot of @chriswoody 's wet Tern

@PeteXXX 's gurning could have been a winner, but is disqualified due to the lack of bike in view (and being an old picture)

However, the winner is @Ming the Merciless for the triple wetness of a ford in the rain AND referencing one of my favourite tracks...


So over to @Ming the Merciless to chose the subject for May.
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