Hill Wimp
Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Point me in the direction of the shop that sells them please.
Point me in the direction of the shop that sells them please.
Looks like Aldi packaging... Or is it Tesco's .... Seems familiar anyway!Point me in the direction of the shop that sells them please.
You have your own science department? Do they work in your secret volcano base?Another member of my science department has resigned.
You have your own science department? Do they work in your secret volcano base?
I reckon he really lives on Tracey Island and when Rocky and i arrive at Leeds station in a couple of weeks we will be met by Miss Penelope and Parker and whisked in a pink Rolls Royce to Vernons secret hideaway, the science lab on Tracey Island.You have your own science department? Do they work in your secret volcano base?
Steady on TF you are heading for another win with those photos.In the continued spirit of the competition, i.e. my bike is not far away and it is November, this is Giselle goose imitating a duck, a fine effort by her I thought
Back from a walk, featuring fallen leaves and mist, alas my bike has gone awol again.
That's very Autumnal and i can see a bike in the distance.
Ehem I am the Judge and the Judges word is final, Giselle could be the winnerPoint of order:
1. No bike
2. No egret
3. You cannot give an award to a goose.
4. The last winner is not eligible to win again [I feel a Bee Gee's song coming on] [I may have made this up]
5. I am wearing wellies when I took the picture.
That's very Autumnal and i can see a bike in the distance.