Cycling Photo Challenge - Entries and Chat

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Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Went for a walk today with this challenge on mind:

Autumn cemetary.jpg


And then we forget and we get an extra week or so etc:laugh: , besides defy-one has yet to enter a photo:whistle:;)

A straight photo that requires no head realigment! Lol
I'm not sure, the exact wording was.... "Falling Leaves - as there is a race and a ride of the falling leaves. doesn't have to include a bike, but should reflect the autumnal feel." so it maybe doesn't have to have falling leaves, which are fairly difficult to capture in their falling state - believe me I've tried in the past! Hopefully @laurence will be along to clarify.

indeed... leaves and bike are optional, but it should reflect Autumn (or spring if you are in the antipodes).

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Nice pic, Phil: I can see a bike in it.
Thankyou.:thanks: It's the Quarry in Shrewsbury which is a very popular place for cycling and great for photo's.:thumbsup:
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