Cycling Photo Challenge - Entries and Chat

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Today's sign of the times is bang up to the minute for some people



Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...

Sadly, a time of the signs around here 😔


self serving virtue signaller
High Tide time.

View attachment 669642
Sea Mills Reach.

Lovely photo. Can I ask which Sea Mills?


Evening all. Apologies for slight delay, got COVID a couple of days ago and had a raging fever. Recovering now though and aiming to be back out on the bike this weekend.

A cracking set of entries this month, with a range of takes on the subject and the usual mix of high quality vistas, atmospheric shots and humorous snaps.

What I had in mind/hoped for most was a wry take on the sh1tshow we find ourselves in amid the cost of living crisis, multiple Tory shambles, scumbag companies exploiting their workers, and all the rest of it.

With that in mind, although I liked the autumnal/wintry/tidal photos, and honourable mentions for @biggs682's amusing Christmas themed pic and observation; and @PeteXXX's bike among new fangled escooters pic...the winner has to be @FrothNinja 's sh1theap.

A perfect and pithy summation of the times we're in 👌


You've made my week @Tribansman - life's been a bit, well, it's been better. Getting out on the bike in decent weather (even if it is cold) is medicinal & I hope your C is over. Mrs FN is just recovering from that lurgy and I have a more commonplace seasonal tap for a nose, so winning against such stiff competition is a great fillip.
Now the challenge is on for me to come up with a theme apposite for the time of the year. Hopefully will have thought of something by tomorrow morning.
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