Unless theres something innately bad or prohibitively expensive producing hydrogen, I believe it's the future that's been overlooked, shelved, whatever, in favour of batteries, which we do know use valuable resources in their manufacture.
I must do some homework on hydrogen....so I at least appear to know what I have an opinion about ....
Its essentially free as a by product of petrochemical refining - that'll never go away as long as there are plastics and fertilisers are being made. Some pundits have been waffling on about the impracticality of using solar for large scale electrolysis to crack hydrogen from water, and appear to have forgotten that it is already made in gigantic quantities as a by product, and nearly allmof it is simpky burned off as there was not a market for it...until potentially now.
Ineos burn off oodles of the stuff as they have had no market for it, and ever with an eye on the bottom line theyve invested in several partnerships to develop a distribution network and to advance fuel cell technology. Indeed, there will be a fuel cell powered version of the Grenadier, but no electric model.
And in a way, thar makes lots of sense. Batteries don't scale up well for larger/heavier vehicles, and there is little sign of a significant advancement in commercial battery technology on the horizon.
Then there's the elephant in the room, in that baytery power ultimately doesnt solve a grear deal,and simply moves the pollution from the tailpipe to lots of other places instead.
Hydrogen suffers none of that and terralitres of the stiff is burned off each year as a by product to other indistrial processes. Hydrogen is arguably superior in many ways, but has lagged behind the development curve as few have looked at it seriously. Now that is starting to change I think that will more likely be the long term future of road transport power, definitely for large vehicles, and very likely cars too. I hope it works out that way, as ultimately it solves a lot more problems than it causes, the converse of which is true for battery power.