Hate, vitriol, nastiness, rudness, offensive remarks, racist memes...these tactics have failed to win a single election or referendum in over a decade.
Indeed, these tactics are what make peope dig their heels in and do the opposite of that which the author wants them to. These tactics actively lose elections and referenda.
Which begs the question of why they keep at doing it? One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again in the hope of a different result. Those concerned are doing the samething over and over again, and shouting louder and louder when itn isn't working.
That being the case I'm surprised Shaun hasn't called for an ambulance to haul the forum away long ago. I have every sympathy with Shaun and the mods on this one, and will mourn neither the passing of the forum or the disappearance of the professionally affronted usual suspects.
Discussions of Y fronts, bloomers, converting vans into motorhomes and, just occasionally , even cycling rarely cause such angst.