Current Affairs Folder posting only, no replies.

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Well-Known Member
Or, we could have a cooling-off period for news to reduce the possibility of triggering emotional dissent. Nothing more recent that the 18th century, for example, which would still also allow members to debate the trial of Socrates, say, or the views of Jacob Rees-Mogg.
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Prepare a way for the Lord
North Hampshire
I don’t post in current affairs myself, but it would be a shame to lose the section. Why not make it “unmoderated” and inform members as such before allowing them to post there, that way easily offended snowflakes will be deterred from joining and if they do join then they’ve only themselves to blame. Of course reported trolls will need to be locked out, but otherwise leave it unmoderated (assuming there are no potential legal issues).

Ajax Bay

East Devon
Primary 'fail' on the 'chat' test.
Why don’t we post news articles, but calm them down for everybody by taking all the verbs out?
My first responder comment satisfied that criterion!
Edit: Delete "primary" and maybe satisfies your additional criterion, depending on whether 'chat' is a nounal(?) adjective or an adjectival noun.
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I don’t post in current affairs myself, but it would be a shame to lose the section. Why not make it “unmoderated” and inform members as such before allowing them to post there, that way easily offended snowflakes will be deterred from joining and if they do join then they’ve only themselves to blame. Of course reported trolls will need to be locked out, but otherwise leave it unmoderated (assuming there are no potential legal issues).
There's the problem in a nutshell. Absolutely no need or call for such language. I'm not an easily offended person, there are few things which actually do offend me but I do know this is a derogatory remark aimed at folk of a particular persuasion.

The solution is very easy. If the "usual suspects" are so well known, they are not to me, then simply ban them. Problem solved followed by a bit of flack for a few days.

JtB I have no idea at all of your views etc. etc. and only quote you because it is such a clear example of the issue. It's not necessary to refer to people this way.

Ajax Bay

East Devon
@jowwy Great to see you. How's the metallurgy?


Hello decadence
Thanks for the suggestion @Arrowfoot, it may need some working on.

Things have got a bit heated politics-wise since 2016 in the UK (and beyond), perhaps we all need a break for a while and concentrate on the important things in life (cycling, I mean).

Presumably those who want to continue to discuss politics, could also do it through the DM facility here.........and, although it might end up as an echo chamber, it would mean that it is hidden behind The Velvet Curtain................(who saw what I did there?)


Resolutely on topic
Presumably those who want to continue to discuss politics, could also do it through the DM facility here.........and, although it might end up as an echo chamber, it would mean that it is hidden behind The Velvet Curtain................(who saw what I did there?)
In light of Paley's revelations in the other thread (if true) I'm not sure that PMs are necessarily very P.
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