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bonj said:
doesn't matter what speed the ball's travelling at, what speed the bowler's skipping along at, or how aggressive a face he's pulling to try and put you off, all you've got to do is swing the bat to coincide with when the ball's going to reach you.
Rhythm Thief said:
:ohmy: Brilliant. Bonj, you're a comedy genius.
The worst thing is, technically he's correct. The sticking point is his use of the word 'all' at the beginning.

I vote we stick him in front of a bowling machine and turn it up to 11...:evil:


New Member
Yeah, all you public schoolboys would just love to see a decent working class lad like bonj being killed by cricket.
Abitrary said:
Yeah, all you public schoolboys would just love to see a decent working class lad like bonj being killed by cricket.
Harold Larwood was a working class lad. According to Bonj, all the Australians needed to do was ensure that they hit the ball before it hit them. How hard could it have been? :becool:


Abitrary said:
Yeah, all you public schoolboys would just love to see a decent working class lad like bonj being killed by cricket.

I would like to see bonj slowly tortured by having a small cricket sitting next to his ear and clicking away all day and all night.
click :becool:


Über Member
Belvedere, Kent.
bonj said:
well the tour de france is more of a collection of sporting events, anyhow it's only really a 'sport' in the loose sense of the term, i'd describe it as a 'race'. A true sport is one in which one player's performance actually depends on the opponent's, e.g. in tennis where if you do a good shot, it's harder to do a good shot back. But also one which is physically exersional, which is why cricket is largely not classed as a sport.

Making up words should be a sport.


Speaking as someone who's played a fair bit over the years, there's nothing like a rock hard ball hurtling towards your face to get the adrenalin going! And if Bonj thinks there's no effort involved, see how you feel the next day after sending a few fast overs down. You'll be in agony, guaranteed.


User1314 said:
The Windies bowlers of the 80s were magnificent. Ambrose letting go of a bouncer from a height of - what - 8/9 feet at 90 mph and aimed for your head.

why would he aim for your head?:sad: you could just duck.
surely the bowler's aim is to hit the stumps, not knock you out - which he wouldn't do as you'd be wearing a helmet anyway?


bonj said:
why would he aim for your head?:sad: you could just duck.
surely the bowler's aim is to hit the stumps, not knock you out - which he wouldn't do as you'd be wearing a helmet anyway?

Try thinking about the time a batsman has to react from when the ball leaves the bowler's hand. And try thinking about how a batsman can be dismissed, other than by being bowled.


User482 said:
Try thinking about the time a batsman has to react from when the ball leaves the bowler's hand. And try thinking about how a batsman can be dismissed, other than by being bowled.

he can't be dismissed by being hit in the head because that's not gonna be LBW, 'cos it's only LBW if it WOULD HAVE hit the wicket if he wasn't there! You won't catch me out on that one, i know the rules.
he'll have enough time to know whether it's going highor not, and if it is he can swing the bat high or just duck, and it will have been a pointless bowl.


bonj said:
he can't be dismissed by being hit in the head because that's not gonna be LBW, 'cos it's only LBW if it WOULD HAVE hit the wicket if he wasn't there! You won't catch me out on that one, i know the rules.
he'll have enough time to know whether it's going highor not, and if it is he can swing the bat high or just duck, and it will have been a pointless bowl.

Who said anything about LBW? The bouncer is effective because a) it scares the batsman and :biggrin: provides an opportunity for a catch from the attempted hook shot. Ask any professional player and they'll all tell you that playing fast bowling with bounce is very difficult.

Your second comment about the batsman having enough time shows that you haven't played the game.


User482 said:
Who said anything about LBW? The bouncer is effective because a) it scares the batsman and :biggrin: provides an opportunity for a catch from the attempted hook shot. Ask any professional player and they'll all tell you that playing fast bowling with bounce is very difficult.

Your second comment about the batsman having enough time shows that you haven't played the game.

if the batter is unsure of what type of bowl he's going to do, then all he needs to do is do a 'block' shot - i.e. duck, and swing the bat in front of the stumps, so that if the ball is going to hit him/the stumps, it hits the bat first.
Anyhow, what's your point? i don't claim that cricket is never difficult, in that you're more likely to be able to do a good shot if you've got good reactions, but it doesn't mean it's particularly exersional.

You've basically put forward a classic text-book straw man argument User482, as is your normal tactic. I've claimed that cricket isn't exersional, which it isn't, and you're arguing against the argument that says it isn't difficult, which is a more preposterous argument. As it happens i don't think it is particularly difficult, but that's not the argument i've made, because it isn't entirely true.


And i dispute the notion that the bowler can bowl at 90mph. You can't possibly swing your arm at 90mph, so going by the laws of physics, how can you POSSIBLY bowl at 90mph? :biggrin:

rich p

ridiculous old lush
bonj said:
he can't be dismissed by being hit in the head because that's not gonna be LBW, 'cos it's only LBW if it WOULD HAVE hit the wicket if he wasn't there! You won't catch me out on that one, i know the rules.
he'll have enough time to know whether it's going highor not, and if it is he can swing the bat high or just duck, and it will have been a pointless bowl.

I've already told you it's too subtle for you, Bonjy. Give it up!
As User482 says the bouncer has many uses apart from getting caught. The West Indians perfected it as a way to intimidate batsmen onto the back foot with a view to getting them with a yorker but of course you knew that really.
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