can you say more/give me a link?According to JVT this evening the answer is "not necessarily"
can you say more/give me a link?
Again favouring the cities over towns and villages! Our nearest "walk in" is about 30 miles away in a small city, which is not really walking distance!I would direct resources away from GP surgeries to hospital walk in centres.
Lower, not zero, and I still doubt there are huge differences between medium towns and small cities. I would put resources in the Primary care and pharmacies, same as who handles the flu vaccines, not waste effort setting up a new vaccination network.Risks are lower in the villages, higher in the cities. Where would you put your resources?
About as qualified as @lane I suspect, if lane has some Operations Research training.Perhaps apply for a job in vaccine logistics, you sound experienced.
can you say more/give me a link?
About as qualified as @lane I suspect, if lane has some Operations Research training.
I may do better if I befriend an MP and bid for setting up a new vaccination network but how farking sick do you have to be to profiteer off this crisis?
Thanks for the reply lane, but, sorry, don't understand.will try to search out.It was on the PM briefing you can view on iPlayer. Basically he said although the Oxford vaccine had lower quoted headline efficacy the starting point was not the same so you are comparing apples with pears.
Thanks but fear they will be beyond me. O level sciences only.You can never be absolutely definitive about the *relative* efficacy of two treatments unless they are directly compared had to head in the same trial.
The endpoints (definition of what constitutes a positive) were I think different.
You can read the Oxford trial paper here
And the Pfizer one here.
Thanks for the reply lane, but, sorry, don't understand.will try to search out.