I think
this BMJ article (6 January) gives a good overview. A single dose of Pfizer vaccine has been estimated to achieve 89% effectiveness after 21 days and the Oxford-AZ vaccine 70% (although later data suggest better than that (over 90% iirc)). I extract one comment:
"Andrew Pollard, the head of the Oxford Vaccine Group and chief investigator into the trial of [the Oxford-AZ] vaccine, said that extending the gap between vaccines made biological sense.
“Generally, a longer gap between vaccine doses leads to a better immune response, with the second dose causing a better boost. (With HPV vaccine for girls, for example, the gap is a year and gives better responses than a one month gap.) From the Oxford vaccine trials, there is 70% protection after the first dose up to the second dose, and the immune response was about three times greater after the second dose when the second dose was delayed, comparing second dose after four weeks versus second dose after 2-3 months,"
Experts in vaccinology have better things to do than post on CycleChat, I hope!