C'mon then
@mjr at what point would you have us out?
You're a Man of numbers and stat's, it's clearly a Data rather than Date thing I accept that but when will you be happy to 'emerge'?
Sheesh. I have to do other things and you take it as a sleight!
I would not remove the last restrictions until case numbers are within what can be traced. As for being "out", I would have removed the blanket "stay at home" restrictions for adults already and be allowing much outdoor activity and sales across thresholds, but I would also be doing much else differently, as posted previously.
I'm happy to go out once cases are below 0.1%/week, if spaced and outdoors, so I would already be out if there was anywhere open! I probably would not go indoors or use a train or bus unless all areas en route were a bit lower than that, maybe down to 0.03%/week.