Feel free to share your estimates of the number of general hospital beds that you think will be occupied by C19 positive patients, @lane and/or @marinyork. Then, in due course, we can see.
I had no indication on which vaccine I will be getting, have others been told beforehand?
Mid April to Mid July 2020 was quite different. Dead right. Vaccine roll-out and the effect on prevention of serious illness means cases will not read across to numbers in hospital to nearly the same extent. I was using Apr-Jul 2020 as an example of exponential decay.
Feel free to share your estimates of the number of general hospital beds that you think will be occupied by C19 positive patients, @lane and/or @marinyork. Then, in due course, we can see.
Shep, I genuinely don't know if you are a real person or an internet character you've made up.
Had my first jab yesterday evening, it was the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine.
People have previously asked about vaccine take up by area and the Daily Mail have a prominent piece.
Of interest to me is the argument people keep on advancing of how vaccinating a quarter of adults protects loads of people. Sheffield, Manchester, Nottingham and Leeds all have prominent districts due to demographics and other factors with insanely low vaccinations. Never mind 27%+ of the population, these are 3-6%. By contrast down the road from another poster who is quite chillaxed, 57% of the population of Sidmouth have been jabbed!
Does it give Covid vaccination? SinoVax perhaps?