Moving this to the 'vaccine' thread. Not sure whether the massive increase in rate of vaccination was a 'what if' rather than even an aim. I have assumed that the daily rate established 400k+ will be maintained for this second '
sprint' (to complete the first phase (Gps 1-9) by end April) and then the
marathon of 'the rest' followed by school age (September) and then autumn booster for the oldies (O65 plus, so likely the 20M in Gps 1-6) in the autumn, maybe with a vaccine optimised for what might be the prevalent or most challenging virus.
The supply issue to which you refer will soon become apparent (to the media) but be transient. The supply profile was structured to allow the
sprint to the 15 Feb target to be hit and a lean period (?fortnight) expected till March. The leaked Scottish supply shape gave an insight to that back in early Jan (see my post from ?19 Jan and rehashed here
"Supplies for the next week or so will mean the vaccination rate (per day) will be lower for the second half of February (but pick up again in March)."