Government seem to be suggesting they need to do 500,000 a day from now on to meet the 15th February target. Limiting factor is vaccine supply.
Zahawi “You can see that in the next 10 or so days, we’ve got to do another almost touching 5 million"
Hasn't done the maths. Less than 4M to be done in 10 days. Done as at 3 Feb: Gp 1 = 99%, Gp 2 = 90+%, Gp 3 = 90%, Gp 4 (3.3M) = 40%. Fails to acknowledge refusal/unable numbers. Target is to offer vaccine (first dose) to all those in Gps 1-4, not to give 15M first doses. Let's not shift goalposts.
I too understand that vaccine supply (as opposed to other elements of 'delivery' system) is the limiter. That's why, in my estimates, I have been prudent - using 2.5M doses delivered a week (well below the average achieved in the last fortnight).
From your link
Zahawi “We will set out our target (for vaccinating groups 5-9) after we have hit our February 15 target. But you can do the maths."
Asked whether that meant it would take another 35 days from 15 February to have jabbed all 31 million people in the first nine cohorts, replied: “That assumes the supply"
The interviewer has not done their maths or are just fishing. They've (completely) failed to take into account the requirement for second doses which will kick in from 14 Mar, effectively halving the rate of first dose delivery from then on. As I've previously shared (NB assumptions) a reasonable estimate for giving (at least) the first dose to all the JCVI priority groups (1-9) is 30 Apr (1-4 by 15 Feb, then 10M by 15 Mar, then 5M by 12 Apr, then rest by 30 Apr).