COVID Vaccine !

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Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
And let's not forget that it's people that are doing the actual injecting. They've too get as many as possible done, with no mistakes, with people saying they're not going fast enough.

Tiredness can kill.
I've not read anyone saying the actual people injecting is not going fast enough. More often is that that it seems to be taking so long to set up enough vaccination centres (it is only today that our borough's main council-run exhibition hall has opened as one - what the fark was it doing until now? It wasn't exactly hosting trade fairs!) and some are still reporting supply problems, early closures and so on.


Hancock dribbled out some new progress info today: "We’ve now vaccinated almost 9 in 10 of all over 80s in the UK and now, as of today, we’ve vaccinated over half of all people in their 70s" which probably means there's a bit over 1 in 10 of over 80s to do and a bit under half of 70somethings to do, which is a bit over 1 in 10 of 3.3m and a bit under half of 5.5m, so that's maybe 3.1m left to do... or about 8¼ days of the 14 now left if vaccination continued at last week's rate.

Many 70+ Who are yet to be vaccinated in our experience are still on the fence on whether to get the vaccine or not and some in this older age group have been waiting for “the British vaccine!” The target we’ve been given is 85% of this cohort ( was 75% then 80% and now 85%)

But he didn't tell us anything about the 4.1m health, social care and care home workers or the 1.2m CEV people. There would be time to vaccinate maybe another 2¼m of them. I wonder how many remain?
Many HCWs are now done. In our experience this is higher than the 70+ group. CEV starting with VCEV are underway now and are actually going well but it’s still early days in this marathon as the supplies have been limited and we only got the OK to move to cohort 4 last week.


In Nottingham at the weekend people were apparently queueing for 90 minutes outside one centre - which considering how cold it was and people are elderly......


Why are people queueing? Are they not asked to go at a particular time?
It happened on the first day the vaccination centre in York opened. A friend waited with her dad for 4 hours. A mutual friend was due to take her mum the next day so they took a picnic, blankets and a movie! They were in and out in 10 minutes


Some people are travelling via public transport or are unsure of how long it will take them to get there if driving from another part of town and the older generation do tend to be “always early” rather than the younger ones who are “just in time” or “a touch late”!


Legendary Member
My 78 year old father arrived 5 minutes early at Epsom Downs and was told to park close by and return at his allotted time (he does have a blue badge which may have meant he needed for a limited space to free up) ^_^


Master of the Inane Comment
I take no heart in the situation on the continent but it does seem to me to be an indicator that this is, and has been, a very difficult situation for the respective parties to deal with that relegates politics to the sidelines. I think it is unfair, and easy, to cast blame on the individuals at the top of the various organisations involved in trying to stem the virus both here and in Europe etc.
I take your point but will venture a comment anyway!

I had got the impression that but for von der Leyen and/or those responsible for negotiating with the suppliers Germany, for example, might have had say double the amount of vaccine and therefore vaccinated 5 million instead of half that. I'm now not so sure.

The big success story in this is America. They have vaccinated the greatest number, and this is largely due to Trump, although few now wish to acknowledge it. The EU ordered nearly 4 months after the Americans. The refusal to take the shorter route to authorisation may have added 3 weeks or so.

The Irish border rumpus was a storm in a teacup, initiated by Leyen and not the member states. Taken with the above this more than makes me question von der Leyen's competence, and if a reasonable extra supply of vaccine could have been obtained but for her interference she should go. We are barely at the end of the beginning of the pandemic and cannot afford further mistakes like this. Otherwise you are right, you cannot undo what has been done.

There was a vaccine conference in Berlin today where all the frustration could be aired. The govt has been honest: the first quarter will lag behind expectations. The second quarter looks much more promising, with both restored extra production, and new production. After that it gets better even without new vaccines which in all probability will have been licenced and produced by then. This will carry on into 2022. All depends on no unforeseen circumstances changing this. It should be possible to 'do' everyone who wants a jab by September.

This is good news inasmuch as the extra production could be needed for refresher vaccines, changed to cope with mutations, and the rest of the world also needs to be supplied as well, and there is hardly a surfeit of places capable of producing such vaccines.

The comment that summed it up for me was 'we may be frustrated at the slow progress and wish we had more, but we should be grateful that we have a vaccine at all'.


At out Doctors in years past flu jab was turn up join the queue, no specific time. They even had a raffle, I won some bubble bath once. This year I was the only one in the surgery.
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Couple of stories in the press today which don't make great reading.

First, The Kent variant of coronavirus appears to be undergoing new genetic changes which make it more like the South African and Brazilian variant which the vaccine is less effective against.

Second, not specifically vaccine but treatment, the antibody treatments which were a great hope, do not work against the variants which is a big blow.
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