Head start / worse problems
Aiui the UK plants did have similar problems when, in the autumn once it was clear the Phase 3 trails were positive, with £££ of government money already invested in them*, they endeavoured to ramp up production. Aiui they resolved those issues and proceeded with manufacture. And when AZ's European production plants (Halix plant in the Netherlands, and? Novasep's factory (Seneffe, nr Brussels) had similar problems, a UK team went over to Holland/Belgium to share that experience and resolution - ? in late December.
I agree with you on encouraging empathy. But expressions of empathy are cheap. Do you think that empathy should result in a change of plan? I wonder whether, when Vaccine Central do their projections, they could look at whether there will be a surplus of UK supply of vaccines (beyond the number we can reasonably deliver (into arms)) in the next months, say, and agree with AZ and/or Pfizer to help improve the Q1 supply profile for the continental "contingent"

by taking less of the (expensive) Pfizer - just enough for all the second doses needed for mid-March onwards, say, or by exporting some of the AZ vaccine to, say, Republic of Ireland.
* The
Vaccine Taskforce provided funding for flexible and surge production in several new UK sites for vaccine manufacture to provide the UK population with a new vaccine in less than 9 months.