Coronavirus outbreak

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The current plan seems to be a four week lockdown to 'save Christmas '. If Christmas involves the whole family including students and older people sitting inside for the whole day, is this likely to cause a third peak of cases in mid January?

That's just what they tell tory voters to keep them happy. Without vaccines making a massive dent the second wave will likely go into spring/summer.


Great interview from prof Calum Semple member of SAGE. Simple and to the point even when the interviewer tried to get sound bits he held out. He explains why the levelling off in Liverpool is not good enough. Even if cases level off it's "just keep's you in bad place" and being the whole county to same level.
Catch it on the BBC News 24 live feed stats around 11.07


No mixing indoors (theoretically). That's probably the biggest and most important difference between all of the three tiers.

Pretty much the entire country should already have been in tier 2 going on the infection rates for the last 2-3 weeks.
Unless it's a "meeting" or "same" household some round here have magically become one.


I really don't understand how so few people really havn't nailed the real cause for infection, people and their stubborn stupid behaviour.
Day after day after day I see what look like healthy people in shops with no masks.
People going in shops that don't sanitise their hands despite it being available.
People going in shops and not sanitising the trolley, basket handles.
Week after week I see the majority of people at my work failing to follow procedures setup to contain covid. Dogged , determined failure to follow the one way system. Unashamed failure to wear masks properly. Disgusting failure to wash hands after using the toilets, compounded by then failing to sanitise on leaving. Failure to arrive en masse on the coach wearing masks.
The list goes on and on and on, day after day I see this stuff.

You can Implement 1000 plans, some good, some bad no doubt, governments, health experts , armchair experts seem oblivious it's all pointless if people wont comply.
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Wonder if Boris will dust off these again. He forget them last time so may as well use them and have another go at hitting the target.


What do you think is the root cause of this non- compliance?
Stubbornness, denial, stupidity.

Even the Police here have been complicit in its spread. We have a big problem with car cruises and a bigger problem with them drifting. During a conversation with an officer who phoned up following a complaint made he said...
'Its difficult when there are 100 to 150 people there, we have to manage the situation and prevent the drifting'

Instantly the reply was...
'So mass gatherings are acceptable despite covid then ?'

The officer went very quiet.


Resting in suspended Animation
Unless it's a "meeting" or "same" household some round here have magically become one.

Last weekend in tier 3, venues were not enforcing outdoor mixing. It was outdoors though.

Having come back from the week's social contact with another person on a walk in the dark last night I went past a huge number of restaurants at tea time. The park we had to ourselves. The restaurants were absolutely rammed except two. It seems very unlikely there wasn't some household mixing going on.


Last weekend in tier 3, venues were not enforcing outdoor mixing. It was outdoors though.

Having come back from the week's social contact with another person on a walk in the dark last night I went past a huge number of restaurants at tea time. The park we had to ourselves. The restaurants were absolutely rammed except two. It seems very unlikely there wasn't some household mixing going on.
That's about the same picture here can't see it having much effect on any Halloween mixing tonight either.
What do you think is the root cause of this non- compliance?

I think most people are complying. Stats from the march lockdown compliance was estimated in the high 90 per cents.

If you had 100% complaince - the virus would still spread. Masks are not 100% effective - neither is hand washing .

You have too Imo look at why the lockdown in march worked - and why the softer regional regional lockdowns haven't. A dip in compliance ....sure....but IMO the measures aren't tight enough.

No easy answers to any of this.
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