I really don't understand how so few people really havn't nailed the real cause for infection, people and their stubborn stupid behaviour.
Day after day after day I see what look like healthy people in shops with no masks.
People going in shops that don't sanitise their hands despite it being available.
People going in shops and not sanitising the trolley, basket handles.
Week after week I see the majority of people at my work failing to follow procedures setup to contain covid. Dogged , determined failure to follow the one way system. Unashamed failure to wear masks properly. Disgusting failure to wash hands after using the toilets, compounded by then failing to sanitise on leaving. Failure to arrive en masse on the coach wearing masks.
The list goes on and on and on, day after day I see this stuff.
You can Implement 1000 plans, some good, some bad no doubt, governments, health experts , armchair experts seem oblivious it's all pointless if people wont comply.