So until this becomes a southern problem it’s not worth doing anything. Cut of the north and covid will stay away. What a good idea even better idea build a wall. Think Donald can even send them the plans.
They will soon change tack if they or someone close need's a ICU bed. As ICU beds are all one big UK wide system they may find the only one free now is "up north" but due to covid it's now taken.
It's easy for them and rest of them who are faffing about playing political games. They aren't the ones who will quite quickly have to start making some real hard life or death decisions and have to call relatives. Telling them a loved one will die without them being with them.
They will soon change tack if they or someone close need's a ICU bed. As ICU beds are all one big UK wide system they may find the only one free now is "up north" but due to covid it's now taken.
It's easy for them and rest of them who are faffing about playing political games. They aren't the ones who will quite quickly have to start making some real hard life or death decisions and have to call relatives. Telling them a loved one will die without them being with them.