Leg End Member
Maybe giving a thought to your choice of wording might help.1. I wrote it as "Why should it be mainly {{stuff that makes people happy that gets restricted} and not {anything that involves payment}}?" and you misread it as "Why should it be {{mainly stuff that makes people happy that gets restricted} and not {anything that involves payment}}?"
2. Is it only the drink that makes you happy in pubs, not the socialising?
Kicking everyone out at ten doesn't necessarily help with any of that, so are you saying it's just punishment?
And how exactly can they tell that taken contact details aren't correct, as long as "M Mouse" isn't on the list?
Pubs are not the sole source of socialising, but they are one where proper records aren't being kept. The minority, who feel the rules don't apply to them, have made it worse for the majority.
M. Mouse appeared at two local town centre pubs, along with a D. Trump and a B. Johnson.
Some haven't even set the means of recording the details. Legal requirement to be allowed to be open. Bear in mind they agreed to these conditions to be allowed to re-open. And you're the one who brought "ensuring public safety" into this. If basic rules, for ensuring public safety can't be done by those who should be doing them, why should they be allowed to open at all?
Four pubs, local to me, never applied because the personal licence holder felt that due to the premises, they couldn't meet the then current regulations.