I do think the rule of 6 is far easier to understand for the general population.
It’s a simple concept, whether anyone will abide by it is unknown.
Well, it would be a simple concept, were it not for all the situations where it doesn't apply:
the Prime Minister mentioned "places of worship, gyms, restaurants and hospitality venues [...] education and work settings [...] weddings and funerals [...] and organised sport" and I assume shops will also keep their current limits (up to 90 in one local shop, I saw!) or will we be going back to 2m distancing with queuing outside the shop?
I think it's fair to say that Johnson seems incapable of clear and simple concepts.
Curiously, he mentioned "We will also restrict the opening hours of premises" but nothing about limiting the lengths of visits, which is something some countries have tried and I think found mostly popular even if not clearly effective because it means more people getting the chance to book a table and fewer people spending all evening drinking themselves silly.
And remember folks: Hancock Wastes Space.