I can't help thinking the UK approach is like this is some sort of a storm that will pass through quickly - and barring a rough couple of weeks we should be mostly ok.
Yet look at the measures china had to take and Italy is now being forced to take.....
I can't say the "bring it on" approach inspires me with much confidence. I think BJ may as well tell us all to buy lucky horseshoes !
As I understand it, the UK approach is to recognise there will be a major epidemic. Left to it's own devices, that would be a very rapid rise to a very high peak. The strategy is to delay the onset and spread the peak. If you ask people to take major precautions too early ( closing pubs and theatres, cancelling sporting events, gigs and theatre) you could end up with simply a delayed spike as folks would tire of the precautions.
As someone age 64, with long term chest problems and the last 3 years of major chest infections leading to pleural and heart failure issues and a recent sign off letter from consultant to GP giving me direct access to hospital care and a statement "Mr PK cannot afford any more catastrophic chest infections", I recognise that when I get it, I will have a much higher probability of dying than most.
I'm happy with the measured UK strategy.