I commented on the link you provided and stand by them. He didn't compare possible reactions to nuclear weapons.I disagree with your comments the other day and today that go in the obtuse direction. There's a link to the telegraph article at the top. For some reason you seem far more interested in what Boris says his opinion is (as opposed to policy) than what Vallance or Whitty say. I can't say I share that interest but you're welcome to tune in and enjoy as much as you want.
I said more Boris comments.
Present evidence as to why this is inaccurate. Boris commented. Where is your evidence he didn't? Boris made a very large set of comments recently and this is adding some more. Present evidence that 'more' is incorrect i.e. he hasn't said anything recently.
I don't think it is helpful in any way comparing the virus's likelyhood of coming back and possible reactions to that with nuclear weapons.
It's trivial that someone wouldn't want a national lockdown back. The mechanics of a national lockdown are rather different and more complicated in some ways than local ones which also have problems. It was speculated at the time the government wanted one for London to have a more local lockdown. That didn't happen. Results from local restrictions around the world were very mixed e.g
Italy and more recent examples are more positive.
I do wonder whether Boris and Matt are so positive because of the antibody kits and spit tests set to come in before winter which would be very major advances. Btw Vallance also commented on national measures saying there was a risk of them being needed in winter.