Midweek science update special!The FL infection rate will rapidly rise to a peak, then it will rapidly fall away again. I very much doubt the shape of the infection graph from the point where cases begin to rapidly rise will be that different, apart from the timeline.
They will explain it as coronavirus being much less infectious than claimed, won't they?Anyone who still believes face coverings don't work explain this one as they clearly do.
The mandatory date is 24 July, but people near me seem to be treating it as its safe to not wear masks till this magic date.So we had wear a mask say's Boris and law change maybe needed. Gove saying trust common sense and it's manners to wear one but then pictured not using one. Then a law change covering shops, a tweet from downing st with a new public health message showing a mask with a one way valve. Which make them pointless in preventing droplets. Then the Chancellor get's pictured shopping in one with a valve. So re-enforcing it's ok to use them. This on the back of Hancock saying masks are pointless in an office but work when out shopping. Sighting the time you wear one. But some train journeys take hours so that must be pointless then ?
In the meantime they bring in extra conditions in Blackbrun due to rising cases which inc not wanting till next week and start wearing masks now. Not just that but it's required for all enclosed public placers. So using Matt's thinking masks only work when cases go up and covid is only about this week in Blackburn and only hangs out in shops when not in Blackburn. But then Leister which is still in lockdown it's fine to wait till next week to wear a mask but only in shops.
So bang go's yet another clear public health message![]()
The mandatory date is 24 July, but people near me seem to be treating it as its safe to not wear masks till this magic date.
I assume the delayed date is to give people time to get masks but Id have preferred a message of, we want you to wear masks NOW, but we wont start fining people till 24th to give you time.
Last week I saw a few. Today, in a E vans bike shop, I saw one other person wearing a mask.When I did the weekly shop yesterday, mask wearing jumped from 5% to 25%. It's not been that high since April.
Call me cynical if you will, but if you are mandated to wear one in a work setting they have to by law be supplied by the employer, and there is a legal requirement to provide training in there use.This on the back of Hancock saying masks are pointless in an office but work when out shopping.